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Moving Bridges - Serbian-German Youth Partnership on Migration and Common History
Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: May 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context:With Moving Bridges (MB) GRÜNE JUGEND and ZOS want to deepen the understanding between Serbia and Germany in the frame of two activities (APV and Youth Exchange) and search for common solutions to a current European challenge: the migration issue. The project aims at analyzing historic ground and narratives of each country, enabling the understanding of today's political and societal challenges. The APV will take place in Berlin, the Youth Exchange in Belgrade. The APV shall endow the Youth Leaders with the necessary methodological and thematic tools and knowledge to organise the Youth Exchange. This will happen through a knowledge transfer between Youth Leaders and Workers from GJ and ZOS. The Youth Exchange as core of the project will empower its participants with a thematic expertise and organisational and intercultural skills. Also they will produce a row of concrete outputs, to be spread to a wide audience afterwards.Activities:The APV will count four participants: one Youth Worker and one Youth Leader from each organisation. It will focus on the preparation of the Youth Exchange and the knowledge transfer from Youth Workers to Youth Leaders to optimise the project management. Besides, the participants of the APV from GJ and ZOS will exchange best practices and methods and so gain new insights in European youth work. Shared experiences and values are for us important as fundamental layer to overcome stereotypes. Stereotypes and differing historical narratives use to prevent collaboration within countries. With this project we want to show that the understanding of history and of national circumstances can build a path, a bridge, to overcome national borders and so allow an exchange around contemporary European challenges as the migration issue.During the Youth Exchange 24 young people aged from 18 to 27, including the participants of the APV, will meet, discuss and exchange around the search for European solutions to the actual challenge of migration in Europe. For this they will discuss and analyse common points and differences in the past and actual path of Serbia and Germany regarding migration movements, using non-formal and innovative learning methods. As the youth perspective is underrepresented regarding this topic, Moving Bridges aims to empower young people to become more active in this regard and on a general societal level. MB aims at moving bridges between young people from two different countries and perspective. The question of refugees and migration needs European solutions and we want young people to reflect on them, as they are the ones shaping tomorrows agenda.All participants will be involved in the preparation process of the Youth Exchange. Participants will take over responsibilities as Project Team members or part of committees (for example awareness groups or documentation team), thus ensuring that young people are involved in all layers of the project development and management. The participants will also be empowered to act as multipliers after the project in order to spread the gained skills and new perspective on the migration issue on a broader scale. Also they will do a public documentation and publishing work, in order for the project idea to touch as much people as possible.Results and impact:With MB we aim to spread and deepen a qualified debate on the migration issue between young Europeans. We want to empower participants and both organisations to act as multipliers, in order to organize further successful projects in Eastern Europe as well as on a topic which might be in the focus of the European societal debates in the coming years. Also, we want to strengthen the quality of youth work, through a successful experience, well-structured follow-up, feedback and a broad documentation for our partners, peer organisations and beyond.In a broader context a meeting between young Europeans, empowering them to get more active and to spread their vision beyond their own circle, will foster the vision of a common Europe and so reduce boundaries between European youth. We hope that this experience, the gained intercultural competencies and the lively exchange will encourage the participants to get more involved in organising international projects themselves and thus make the experience accessible to others.Moving Bridges will strengthen core values of the European project, as solidarity between countries, and strengthening a common ground in the community. Also the project will have an impact on how the EU and the European idea is seen by the young people in Germany and Serbia. This new vision of the EU should be spread by the participants in their role as multipliers, between their peers as well as beyond - this through the planned documentation and project outputs. As migration will stay a present issue in the frame of the European Integration, Moving Bridges will empower the young European to shape their future Europe in the way they want.
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