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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project MOVING AROUND EUROPE TO LEARN 2016-2018 has been created to offer our students and VET teachers , the chance to make a training period in a UE country, through the mobility activities of a traineeship in a company for the students and a training period for teachers. By this project we want to provide our students and teachers the approach and integration in Europe, at the same time we facilitate them the learning of other languages and cultures, as well as the improvement of their professional skills.The specific aims of the project are:a)To improve the capacity and professional skills of students and teachers.b)To provide students and teachers an European dimension of the labour market, improving the employability of students helping them get their first job.c) To work the basic and transversal skillsd) To promote student entrepreneurship, access to new labour markets and opportunities.e) To promote learning of foreign languages to students and teachers.f) To strengthen relationships with intermediary schools and receiving organizationsg) To ensure equal opportunities and access to information by all participantsh) To ensure the quality of mobility activitiesi) To recognise and validate the skills acquired by the participants during their experiences abroad (validation of the FCT module, certification of the training period, Europass, ...)In two years, 24 students and 10 teachers of vocational training will participate in project MOVING. They will be from the following specialities: Motor Vehicles Electro mechanics, Telecommunications Installations, Electrical and Automatic Installations, Administrative Management and Microcomputer Systems and Networks.Our centre has got a strong cultural diversity, due to the diverse backgrounds of our students. With this project we want to strengthen the capacity for lifelong learning of our students to provide them with a feeling of European citizenship based on the understanding and respect for human rights and promoting tolerance to other countries and cultures. We also want to pay special attention to the participation of some groups that for their characteristics (special educational needs, socioeconomic disadvantaged students, etc..) have the risk to be discriminated.We want to be the benchmark for international mobility in vocational training in our region, taking into account the objectives and the priorities set by the Erasmus+ programme, encouraging mobility and learning in other countries and promoting the acquisition of new skills and improving the quality of training. For this reason, the participation in such projects is a strategic aim of the school management, having increased the number of students taking part in the different projects in recent years.Youths must search for new professional careers in the European Union. There is nothing better than the students’ mobility at the end of their training, to gain experience in a safe and supervised framework and get ready for the European labour market.Through a transnational mobility people can strengthen both professional and personal fields. Students and teachers return from their experience reinforced with new knowledge and learning and they have the opportunity to compare the training of both countries and transfer their knowledge and experience in their work activities performed later in their own country.Sometimes, the fact of living on an island makes it difficult for students and teachers to make a decision about making a training period abroad. We would like to change this. With the MOVING project we want to MOVE our students and teachers to open out their horizons to new experiences with people and companies in other European countries, responding to the objectives and priorities of the Erasmus+ programme.
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