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Movilidad FP Erasmus+
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES Pilar Lorengar in Zaragoza (Spain) and its Department of Graphic Arts Vocational Training, have requested a KA1 - Learning Mobility of Individuals Project. With two activities: VET learner traineship in companies abroad and VET Staff Training Mobility, with 3 partner organisations (Helsinki, Köln and Toulouse) that will find the placements for our students’ training/Traineeships and also the hosts of our VET Staff Mobility. Throughout this Project there have been developed the participation of 1 staff member for a mobility of four days in Germany, and 2 students of 2nd course VET Graphic Arts (Digital Prepress and Press), with a B1 English level, for a mobility of 5 weeks in a Graphic Arts company (Prepress and Print) through collaboration with our partner organizations in Germany and France. The activity carried out by the 2 participants has consisted of a traineeship period of 5 weeks in a Graphic Arts industry company, that suits their individual profiles, The participants have developed their language skills, their knowledge and working skills following new production processes, as well as new machinery and tools. The methodology used to conduct the project has focused on student learning and outcomes and on the competences / skills acquired during their traineeship at the company and with the host partner organization. With the evaluation conducted after the project we have identified and evaluated transversal competences, some of them key to employability. The activity carried out by 1 staff member (mobility for training) has consisted of a 4 days stay. The staff member has stayed with one of our partners (Germany), she has attended Graphic Arts lessons and visited its facilities developping skills in the area of the Design / Prepress / Print. The results expected from this project can be summarized in achieving the 3 initial objectives: European Dimension, Linguistic Competence and New Tools. These have been reflected in the expected impact on participants in the short term, which has been to create a European consciousness, and also a change of attitude towards language and cultural barriers, improving their foreign language skills. In the medium term it has been observed that the participant got access to the European labour market more quickly and easier, and this has had a positive impact on their employment due to the competitive advantage offered by participating in this project which has given them access to new production methods and tools used in the Graphic Arts industry. The long term benefits of this project are that the number of participation requests in European mobility programs by our students keeps on growing since they are becoming aware of its main advantages. It is also expected that our experience in student mobilities results in more staff mobilities in future calls.

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3 Partners Participants