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Movilidad Erasmus CM para prácticas en empresas
Start date: Dec 19, 2014, End date: Dec 18, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Erasmus CM Mobility for placements" project requested by the IES Escolas Proval is contextualized within the Erasmus + Training Action Programme "Mobility of persons based learning (KA1)". The project aims to provide students of intermediate Vocational Training in Electronics and Administration the possibility of their On the Job Training (FCT) in European companies. The project arises primarily due to the interest shown by students in perform vocational training practices abroad, and the growing difficulty for teachers of vocational training to find suitable companies to perform FCT practices. The main objectives pursued with these mobilities are: a) Help students adjust to the needs of the European labor market and to have more and better employment opportunities b) Allow students to develop specific skills, including language, and expand their knowledge on the economic and social culture of the host country while gaining work experience. c) Promote cooperation between the school and companies. d) Contribute to the development of a highly skilled group of young, open-minded and internationally experienced as professionals e) Acquisition of knowledge and skills with a view to personal and professional development f) Encourage the learning of foreign languages It is intended with this mobility that students achieve the above objectives and be better prepared to enter the European or Spanish labor market. In short, obtaining a first work experience in an international environment. The project offers 10 mobilities for internships in companies in Italy and the UK for 12 weeks to cover 410 hours of practical training in two annual periods project: from September to December and from March to June IES Escolas Proval center ( Issuing Center and organizer of Mobility ) is responsible for: - Request to the OAPEE the Erasmus grant for key 1 + Action program -Make an agreement with the host companies (Annex I translated into English) - Request authorization to the administration to carry out the placement of the student abroad -Make a report (by the secretary of the Centre) in accordance with the student is covered by school insurance -Conduct an individualized plan of FCT and translate it into English. - Define the objectives of stay - Select the participants - Prepare the participants -Establish a contract including a training agreement - Help participants manage the transport, accommodation and insurance - Negotiate an individual program - Agree on monitoring and mentoring arrangements - Implement agreed validation procedures - Establish appropriate communication channels - Evaluate the progress of the project so continues - Generate the Europass Mobility Certificate for the Student -Make the final project report and sendit to OAPEE through the Movility Tool Intermediary companies commit to : -Find accommodation for students - Manage and look for host companies in Italy and the UK - Keepa continous track of the students -Promote cultural understanding and mentality of the host country - Provide practical support if required The desired impact of the project on participants is to help achieving a technical degree through On the Job Training in European businesses, an improved employment opportunities , knowledge of new cultures and new languages that can help them to consolidate a European entity and to support their future employability . The desired impact on our organization is to acquire new competencies and skills in relation to foreign companies that can help us to improve the training of future students.
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