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MOVEDU- Dispositivos móveis em Educação
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT BACKGROUND:This project is based on a survey of training needs , carried out following a joint operation between the School , the Teacher Training Centre and the Institute of Education, University of Lisbon. Analyzed the sources ( Educational Project ; Auto Reports and Straight Assessment) and surveyed stakeholders , the area identified as the poorest in terms of training was the area of the use of new communication and information technologies , especially mobile devices , in teaching and learning processes in the classroom .GENERAL OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT:- Empower teachers with knowledge and skills in the area of ​​application in the classroom teaching and profitability of new technologies for education and communication , particularly those most frequently used by young people, particularly mobile devices .SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:1. lead teachers to know and to use various devices and applications with applicability in educational activity in the classroom (the digital media in intercultural education, learning platforms, the digital image as a teaching and learning tool, "Cloud computing "; mobile devices in the classroom (including the evaluation);2. - develop the skills teachers to plan and develop dynamic teaching methods, interactive and with the use of ICT, especially mobile electronic devices;3. -increase students' motivation to learn through the use of methods and innovative and modern teaching techniques;4. -increase motivation of teachers through the acquisition of qualifications, skills and scientific basis for lecionarem using methods and techniques to support the mobile devices and ICT in general;5. -prevenir failure and dropout by applying in the classroom and motivating innovative methodologies;6. -to develop creative approaches to curricula for the prevention of failure and dropout taking into account the specificity of the target audience;7. -Meet and analyze successful European practices on the issue;8. -partilhar and implement this knowledge, skills and practices in the school;9. -Perform the School training courses accredited to ensure continuity of learning achievedNUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS :Individuals participating in mobility activities will be 10: Director of School and member of the board ; director of the Teacher Training Center, 8 teachers from among the members of the Pedagogical Council and faculty who integrate the project ICT / PTE School and / or teachers who in some way are involved in activities related to promoting the use of ICT in the process teaching and learning .DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIESThe international mobility of activities will take the form of training course , complete with study visits .After the mobility occur at school, in the training center and in local and regional Community School , a set of training activities , accredited by the Scientific Council of going teacher training.METHODOLOGY OF THE PROJECTThe following methodology is as follows:-Mobilidades Training abroad;-Períodos Dissemination and implementation of good European practices acquired in school;-Momentos Dissemination at regional, national and international level;-Períodos Assessment.DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS AND PROJECT IMPACTThe impact will be visible through the increase of motivation and reduction of dropout of students, through the acquisition of European best practices and innovative teaching methods, creative, motivating and quality promoters in education and the success of these students the fruit of a generation in which new technologies prevail in their lives;-promotion Of the school internationalization through knowledge of different European realities and acceptance of what is different, improvement in foreign languages, development of intercultural relations, which will contribute to the European dimension of the whole grouping.BENEFITS LONG TERM-Training School of Frame teachers in the pedagogical use of new ICT, especially mobile devices;-Projeção High School Jorge Peixinho as European institution at regional, national and international level;-promotion Of success and consequent further education of the students involved;-Establishment Of contacts and international friendships that will facilitate the achievement of future European projects.

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