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Move your body and cook for your soul
Start date: Jul 7, 2014, End date: May 11, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Healthy lifestyle - food, sport and active participation in ecotourism The youth exchange program »Move your body and cook for your soul« is going to take place from 21. 9. - 27. 9. 2014 (7 days) on Pohorje – Maribor. Approximately 40 participants from partner organizations from Slovenia (Srednja šola za gostinstvo in turizem Maribor), Croatia (Ugostiteljsko-turističko učilište Zagreb), and Austria (Kärntner Turismusschulen) will expand their knowledge on the impact sport and food have on a healthy lifestyle, as well as receive information about the job possibilities that tourism can provide. The primary goal of the exchange is to introduce and raise awareness among the youth about a healthy lifestyle filled with plenty of sports activities, as well as educate the participants about the preparation of local food. The participants of the project will be young students in the field of gastronomy and tourism. This is a generation of young people, who will be in charge of future gastronomy and tourist programs in the region. The program of the project will focus on activities with working groups, which will compete in various sport activities and cooking challenges. At the same time, our guests will be able to learn about foreign cultures, food and languages, as well as discuss tourism and healthy lifestyle with other active participants. We expect that the young participants will have a great opportunity to meet new people from other countries, and in the process get to know more about themselves, make new friends and improve their personal growth. The participants in the project will also acquire new skills, knowledge and use this informal learning experience as a reference for future employment. We also expect that the participants will become even more motivated for their future endeavours. With the use of modern communication channels such as various social networks or YouTube, the participants will also be able to remain connected to each other after the project is complete. The results and impressions about the project will be available online to all internet users.
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