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MOVE Week 2015. The flagship event in the NowWeMove campaign.
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MOVE Week 2015 is the flagship event of the NowWeMove campaign, building on the cross-sector vision to get 100 million more Europeans active in sport and physical activity by 2020. The overall objective is to facilitate cross-sector collaboration for the promotion of participation in sport and physical activity. Specific objectives and examples of related activities A. Raise awareness of the benefits of sport and physical activity among European citizens by 1) Launching a Europe-wide multimedia campaign promoting physical activity generally and the MOVE Week 2014 specifically. B. Increase accessible opportunities to be active in sport and physical activity by developing new and up-scaling existing initiatives through: 2) Engaging partners (‘MOVE Agents’) from organisations, clubs, municipalities, schools and other sectors to stage physical activity events .3) Deploying rewards and awards scheme for successful physical activity promotion initiatives. C. Enable sustainable and innovative capacity building for the MOVE Agents through advocacy and open-sourced solutions by 4) Conducting knowledge-sharing and training seminars/workshops/Kick-off meetings.5) Using the momentum of the MOVE Week and campaign to advocate for stronger political, financial and media attention.The campaign and MOVE Week design is made with sustainability of impact in mind – via increased awareness of citizens, capacity of organisations, and engagement of political stakeholders.Key indicators for MOVE Week 2015 include:* 1.800 MOVE Agents involved (event organisers)* 3.000 MOVE Week events registered* 30.000 volunteers engaged in events* 1.500.000 individual participants taking part in MOVE Week events
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