Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Erasmus project is based on our School Project, a specific label (Lycée des Métiers du Tertiaire) and a dynamic European department helping students to broaden their experience abroad. We would like our staff to improve their linguistic and teaching skills. We want to create an enriching multi-subjects team spirit open on the International field.We wish to guide our young apprentices (Sandwich courses) and trainees in the working world and therefore want to discover other school/companies relationship than the French one.Teaching skills in the Scandinavian countries attract our teachers to help our students especially our special-needs pupils.16 members of our staff will experience this step of long-life-training during the coming two years and will eventually improve their teaching and speaking practice to adapt themselves to our evolving public.
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