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MOVE - MObility to improVE 2016
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The results of previous mobility projects in which many ATEC's trainees had the opportunity to have a formative experience at several Volkswagen Group industrial plants abroad, show clearly and unequivocally the advantages that this type of activities have for its participants and to others, that indirectly use their results.MOVE 2016 project is part of ATEC's innovation strategy and intends to continue the successful projects that preceded it, extending the offer to more trainees and other receiving partners, taking advantage of the its promoters' network related to the different existing locations, such as the various plants of the Volkswagen Group and Siemens, as well as other partners with which ATEC has maintained partnerships. The objectives of the project are:1 - Develop skills to contribute to supporting the trainees in their personal and professional development for better participation in the European labor market, including expertise in foreign languages.2 - Develop skills to help sustain staffs in their personal and professional development for better career development, including skills in a foreign language .3 - Knowing and sharing good practices to thus increase the quality of the training and management effectiveness, by using new methodologies and processes that facilitate the acquisition of technical knowledge and the development of social and personal competences of the trainees, improve the match between supply and demand, and the communication with trainees during the whole process.4 - Provide the opportunity for young people, especially those from the unfavorable media or with fewer opportunities, to increase/improve their self-esteem, and their intercultural European values sensitivity.5 - To help ensure that vocational training is increasingly attractive to young people, giving them the opportunity of having international experiences during their training and that they remain motivated to integrate new education and/or training innitiatives.6 - Promoting mobility activities of trainees in all regions of influence of ATEC.The project was designed to include two distinct activities :1 - Observation period of ATEC's staff at Aventus in Apeldoorn (the Netherlands), HTL Mödling (Austria), Erikslundsgymnasiet (Sweden), FJBK in Dusseldorf (Germany), Siemens in Erlangen (Germany), Audi in Ingolstadt (Germany) and at Volkswagen in Wolfsburg and Hannover (Germany).2 - Internship of ATEC's trainees (Palmela and Porto) at Audi in Ingolstadt (Germany) and Volkswagen in Wolfsburg and Hannover (Germany).The first activity, involves 14 staffs with responsibilities in the areas of training planning, development and evaluation and support areas, such as the development of HR, Communication, Logistics, IT and Partnerships development, collecting good practices that may be adapted to the context and to the national reality.In the second activity, 24 young people aged between 16 and 25 years old, from several apprenticeship courses, will have theopportunity to undertake a period of practical training in a working environment in one of the partner organizations. Giventhat they are young people, some of whom come from unfavorable media or with fewer opportunities and without any travelingexperience, they will be accompanied by 4 ATEC technicians who will be distributed by different groups in order to facilitate theintegration of graduates during the first week of the mobilities.The realization of these mobilities, besides allowing the acquisition of skills to participants and individual notoriety gains, alsoensures an international presence of ATEC. It is expected that the project's impact goes beyond its participants, including the level ofmotivation of the remaining ATEC's trainees, the incorporation of new practices in the rest of the organizational structure and evenin companies that may benefit from new training practices or whether come to benefit from the skills of trainees in the event ofemployability.

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