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Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Feb 2, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PKKY in Joensuu (Finland), SEPR in Lyon (France) and Esteve Terrades Secondary School in Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) are schools that pursue on student mobility collaboration through work placement exchanges. These three schools offer training in automotive and graphic arts. We have detected strong points in each school and our goal is that our students strenghten their skills. At PKKY has been detected detected as their strong point electric vehicle. We currently cannot afford to develop this skill at our school which is in in demand in the Spanish labour market. However, our stenghts are automotive is Diagnosis and Vehicle Management. We will host Finnish students as well, who will acquire these skills. At SEPR school we have focused on exchange good management practise of digital prepress new technologies for final art.The project consists of 4 mobilities to do in 24 months:2 participants are electromechanical vehicles students and they will do their training in a company of Joensuu and also at PKKY school. 2 participants are Pre-Press students and they will do their training in companies in f Lyon. SEPR will be the reference school.Multidisciplinary goals of the project are:- Improving our studen'ts language skills- Giving students a chance to expand their CV which would be difficult to perform on their own because of economic difficulties - Giving the students an opportunity to live an experience that will help their personal growth and maturityTo carry out the project, we will create a team to ensure the quality of the preparation, monitoring, evaluation and dissemination of project. The expected impact is that the employability of our students will be increased. Getting recognition for innovative and functional aspects in our curriculum and that our students aquire new skills for future studies.
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