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Motivación en el aula plurilingüe
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT CONTEXT Our High School is engaged in a Multilingual Project. Currently we have started a Strategic Plan which is focused on the implementation of multilingual classes. The main idea is to improve the knowledge and the use of foreign languages, especially English, not only for teachers but for students as well. We want to give our students the capacity to succeed in this internationalized and global society, in their academic as well as in their professional activity. To achieve this goal they will need the ability to communicate in different languages. The methodology used is CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), consist mainly in teaching a non linguistic subject in a foreign language. Our present proposal in the current context is to open to Europe from a methodological, linguistic and curricular point of view. We intend to become a multilingual school, in the near future, by teaching a third of the curricular subjects in English. Therefore, new methodological tools are to be acquired and an improvement in the individual competences is to be reached. A change in the teaching organization is required. To achieve this change we have started to assign some hours to collaborative work with other countries, giving an intercultural dimension to the teaching process. NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND PROFILE A commission of teachers has been set up. The choice was made on the basis of commitment, teaching experience, interest, motivation, and availability, involving teaching members from all the school departments. The project consists of 8 participants for those training courses. We have a Technology teacher, two teachers of Social Sciences who are English teachers as well, the English teacher who coordinates the Foreign Languages Plan at this School and assesses the CLIL teachers, a Music teacher, an Economics teacher, a Math teacher, and least but not last a Physics and Chemistry teacher who also coordinates the Erasmus Project. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES 8 teachers are to attend the “training courses” in July and August. The scheduled courses are offered by different entities such as the International Study programs and the English Language center in the UK, and the International House in Ireland. The courses are divided into three groups: a)CLIL ( Content and Language integrated learning): practical methodology for teachers who teach different subjects in English at Secondary level: 5 teachers. b) Methodology courses: 2 teachers. c) Courses for Specific Purpose (Business English): 1 teacher. METHODOLOGY APPLIED TO DEVELOP THE PROJECT Acquiring a new CLIL methodology to teach different subjects in English. We intend to encourage the use of the TIC to achieve these objectives. Our Educational center longs for the restructuring of some optional subjects in order to engage in the European project and devote time to develop the committee cooperative programs among countries. It is expected to set up a periodical communication by way of the e-twinning website, the making of a weekly edition of blogs and by carrying out a fluent communication . The goal is to develop our European dimension so as to share experiences and benefit from a more global education by accepting the values from the European community as our own. RESULTS Exchange of ideas and experiences with teachers from other European countries. Getting to Know the CLIL methodology and acquiring new ideas to teach every subject in English. Getting and preparing material designed for teaching different subjects in English. Acquiring new abilities and ideas in order to use technology to teach English. Higher effectiveness in teaching subject matters. Acquisition of different perspectives. Higher intercultural awareness and value manners and cultures from other European countries. EXPECTED EFFECT It is expected to promote and improve the multilingual program that has just been started. It is expected to offer our students a more attractive range of opportunities.
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