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motion of Healthy Life-Style Organizing Sport Events in Latgale and Pskov Regions (CROSSBO ACTIVE)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is focused on fostering regional competitiveness and attractiveness to people through improved life quality and access to sports and health facilties in the project area. The project period is 18 months. It has 3 Work Packages: AP1 (project management), AP2 (promotion of inclusion and healthy life-styles), AP3 (involvement and awareness building). The project partnership involves 2 project partners: Latgale Region Development Agency (LP), Pskov state educational institution of additional education for children "Children and Youth Sports Training" (RU), 1 associated partner State Committee of Pskov Region on Youth Policy and Sports (RU); the wider project partnership involves 16 various municipalities and insitutions. The project addresses the problem of social exclusion, unhealthy life-style and lack of access to sports and health facilities. The project offers solution by ensuring to healthy life awareness raising and inclusion activities. The target group is Latgale and Pskov community regardless of their age, gender and social status and socially excluded community groups - youth at risk for drug, alcohol and tabacco addiction, youth from marginalized or low income families, women at risk, people with special needs - the philosophy of the project is to involve and include this target group into common integrated activities of the general community and to promote healthy life-style understanding by the means of sports, namely basketball and streetball. This activity is affordable, accessible and democratic for marginalized and socially excluded groups at risk. The specific sub-objectives of the project are: (1) to ensure opportunities for socially excluded community groups and those at health risk to join common health and sports and raise awareness of healthy lifestyle; (2) to build capacity of municpalities and their institutions for public service delivery to the community groups; (3) to promote social inclusion and healthy lifestyle at local, regional and cross-border level. The project activities include organization of cross-border sports activities, delivery of training to municipalities and sports specialists, awareness raising among the cross-border community on social inclusion and healthy lifestyle as well as project publicity actions, promotion of networking for sustainable cooperation among the project partners, municipalities, sports organizations, NGOs, educational, social institutions. In the result of the project the life quality, accessibility to active leisure. The sports and health tools include basketball, voleyball, futsal, streetball, football 7x7 tournaments and distance shots, penalty shots, basket shots, etc. The number of people at risk, involved in common sports and health promotion activities, to be increased twice by project end. Achievements: Outputs • 17 sports tournaments in volleyball, footsal, ice-hockey, handball, football, basketball and streetball organized • 1 final sports show with participation of 2 sports teams from partner municipalities organized • Project web-site created and updated throughout project period • 6 articles published in mass media • 6000 copies of Leaflet - brochure about project and sports possibilities in the region prepared, printed and distributed in municipalities, sports institutions • 1900 posters were printed and placed in public places before sports tournaments • 200 promotional items – towels and caps produced and distributed during sports events Results • The total amount of 2151 people participated in 17 sports tournaments . People are personally in-volved and awareness about healthy lifestyle for sportsmen, young and grown-up is raised. • Integration into common social activities for socially excluded community groups - youth at risk for drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction, youth from marginalized or low income families is fostered. • Cooperation network between Latgale and Pskov Region in sports created and strengthened during the project life time • ~45000 people informed about the project through disseminated materials, website, tourna-ments. • ~500 people informed about possibilities of cross-border cooperation and opportunities of the CBC Programme • 16 local municipalities consulted on the issue of healthy lifestyle

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  • 90%   284 105,59
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants