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motion of Cultural Tourism in the Cross-Border Region (Promotion of Cultural Tourism in the Cross-Border Region)
Start date: Jan 20, 2013, End date: Jan 20, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project will be an extension of the currently implemented project "Network for cross-border co-operation between Bulgaria and Serbia in the tourist sector" as its purpose will be to upgrade and strengthen the results already achieved. The project aims to be an integrated approach for the preservation of the cultural heritage and the promotion of cultural tourism. The first step will be "to do an inventory" of all available cultural resources for tourism in the target region - places of interest, attractions, providers of tourist services, festivals, etc. Each partner will describe the resources in the respective region and will classify them by type, capacity, etc. First beneficiary meeting is envisaged to bring together the beneficiaries. It will be used to present the collected information to the participants and to put it forward for comments in view of connecting them in the project objective. The participants will have the opportunity also to make suggestions for the content of the future tourist packages. The ready packages will be discussed during the second beneficiary meeting. Extensive use of new technologies (digitalization of the cultural tourist packages) is part of the project strategy in order to inform, raise awareness and involve the cross-border population and to enhance the sustainability of the project. The present partnership has been chosen for the achievement of the project objectives, on the basis of the region richness on cultural resources and traditions. The website will be another instrument for promotion. It will be linked in all partners` websites and also in websites of tourist operators, travel agencies, etc. in Bulgaria and Serbia. Various promotional materials will be elaborated for this purpose, as well as for subsequent advertising. The most attractive event for the project will be the Traditional Folklore Festival "Cultour" with participants from Bulgaria and Serbia. It will be filmed and promoted as an act of good neighbourhood. Achievements: The project envisioned and achieved the following results:- Development of 4 cross-border tourist packages including tourist routes lasting up to 10 days, offering a full range of opportunities for cultural tourism - natural sites, cultural heritage, events and religion;- Organized a Traditional Folklore Festival "Cultour" on the 18th August 2013 in Brestovacka Banja, Serbia;- Conducted joint research on the identification and assessment of cultural resources for development of cultural tourism in the target region;- Development of a project website which contains extensive information on the cultural resources classified thematically by regions: Elaborated a Guide on Cultural Tourism with maps and rich photographic material was elaborated and published. It contains all places of cultural interest in the target area and cultural destinations. Total of 1600 copies of the guide have been printed and distributed;- Elaborated and distributed 1600 DVDs with tourist packages and 200 DVDs Traditional Folklore Festival;- Elaboration and implementation of an extensive media and publicity campaign including:distribution of a variety of promotional materials, publication of press releases and advertisement in the press, radio and television, organization of 4 Open Info days and 2 Final Press Conferences;The project was successfully completed in January 2014.

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  • 85.1%   121 379,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Bulgaria - Serbia IPA CBC (BG-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website