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mote the cultural and natural heritage (Promote the cultural and natural heritage)
End date: Jun 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The sustainable development of the cultural and nature heritage is the basis of an attractive tourist offer in the Baltic Sea region. This offer very often has a regional and sometimes even a local character. As to the cultural heritage tourism, the cities in the Baltic Sea region are touristic magnets that play a key role in the further development of the region as a tourist destination. In order to enhance the accessibility and the visibility of the cultural and nature heritage sites, cross border and transnational cooperation should be increased. Through joint products, standards and marketing the tourist potential of the cultural and nature heritage could be expolited in a more effective and sustainable way. In order to be successful in this field, it is key to bring together the competent representatives of the cultural and nature heritage facilities with the destination management organisations and the private sector. Achievements: During the first phase of implementation, a survey on relevant projects funded by the European Territorial Cooperation programmes in the Baltic Sea region was carried out. At that time, 82 tourism related ETC projects were identified, most of them in line with the overall objectives of Priority Area Tourism. While this finding hints at strong potential synergies in cooperation, in practice it has proved to be difficult to effectively cluster complementary projects across the region as an appropriate funding tool for this purpose does not exist. In the following, the lead partners of this flagship project were able to initiate the Enjoy South Baltic! project on which the activities in this flagship project currently are based upon.

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