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MoS Klaipéda-Karlshamn link
Start date: Jul 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the action is to increase the share of intermodal transports in the South-East/South-West Baltic Motorways of the Seas link through Klaipéda and Karlshamn. To this end, the operator of the service, DFDS Lisco, has already increased, as from May 2009, the capacity of the link by 21%. At the same time, the implementation of the Action will considerably improve and enhance the capacity of unitised rail goods handling on the Swedish side, as well as providing infrastructure investment in Karlshamn. The current (2009) intermodal share of the corridor is 18% with the aim to reach the 56% in 2015 and ultimately in 2025 to reach 71%.The activities of the Action will focus on the:• Elaboration and implementation of a strategy to achieve modal shift, by conducting market studies• Increase the loading/unloading speed of containers to vessels, through the purchase and operation of a new crane in Karlshamn• Reduction of waiting/transit time with the upgrade and modernisation of the Karlshamn RO-RO terminal• Increase of the efficiency and capacity for trains in Karlshamn through the development of the new shunting yard and the electrification and improvement of the port rail track• Doubling the container handling capacity by building a new combined terminal• Preparation for the improvement of hinterland rail connections through the development of design and EIA for the "missing link" Karlshamn-Olofström Achievements: State of progress on 31 December 2013:The project is progressing as planned:-The new crane is in operation-The quay has been strengthened-The capacity at the ferry terminal has increased-The new shunting yard is constructed and in operation -The new combined terminal is constructed and in operation-The rail track to the port is renovated and electrified -The Design and Environmental Impact Assessment for the missing link Karlshamn–Olofström is ready
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