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MOPAAM16_perso : Mobilité professionnelle dans l'académie d'Amiens 2016-2018 - Personnels
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

13 % (more than) - rate of early school leaving in the "académie d'Amiens" (former Picardie region), close to 20% in some areas20 % - rate of unemployment of under-25-year-old people in the new region Nord-Pas de Calais-Picardie33 % - ratio of under-25-year-old people in the new region Nord-Pas de Calais-Picardie (the biggest in France)To face these sad statistics, our regional educational project contains strong measures and gives a fundamental role to projects that promote openness to the World.PRIORITY 1: taking the responsability of language learning in all fields and subjects, in and out of the classroom and fosteringopenness to the World.PRIORITY 2 : embedding language teaching in partnerships which promote learners mobility and openness to the World.PRIORITY 3 : promoting professional commitment, efficient & innovative practices and encouraging the realization ofvocational training sessions abroad.First target of these measures: students. Leonardo MOPIC13 2013-2015, Erasmus+ KA1 - MOPIC14 2014-2016, Erasmus+ KA1 - MOPIC15 2015-2017, Erasmus+ KA1 - MOPAAM16 2016-2018, Erasmus+ KA1 - MOBinov 2016-2018Second target: staff. Erasmus+ KA1 - CALME_sco 2015-2017 (management staff), MOPAAM16_perso 2016-2018 (teaching staff)Because if we want our students to be fully and widely beneficiaries of these measures, it is needed for our educational staff members to be: fully aware of the benefits brought by projects that promote openness to the world AND well-qualified in the management and implementation of these projects.So, 2 target audiences, 2 projects, 2 MOPAAM16 (MOPAAM16 for pupils, MOPAAM16_perso for staff) for a doubled impact at an "academic" (regional) level.MOPAAM16_perso is a training, reflecting and precursor project, institutionally managed by the GIP FORINVAL, coordinated by a mixed experienced team GIP - DAREIC.TRAININGBeneficiary staff (50 of primary education / 50 of secondary education) will improve:- Their professional, cultural, intercultural and interpersonal skills, without forgetting their language skills (language immersion + one-week language preparation prior to mobility, in English = increased language skills, very useful for all, essential for future DNL -non-linguistic-subject - teachers or foreign language teachers in primary schools);- Their personal and professional openness to the world (a one-week mobility in a foreign institution, meeting of European counterparts);- Their professional motivation and propensity to coordinate/manage openness' projects in their school/institution.- Their daily practices (exchange of good practices with colleagues at regional / at European level)So, better trained and better aware staff of:- Available tools for the development of openess' projects to the world (Erasmus + first);- Available support and potential exchanges of good practices, both at regional ("academic") level and at European level: DAREIC, European partners.REFLECTINGMany staff members because of ignorance or lack of skills do not engage themselves in the great (amazing and addictive) European adventure. This project will be an eye opener for many of them. Reflecting what to do to set up/to coordinate an openness' project. Reflecting their strengths, their weaknesses and their skills. Reflecting possible and necessary supports.PRECURSORIf the project foresees the overall rise of staff skills in our academy (region), we would like to see other projects emerging at the end of this one: projects of openness to the world, innovative projects, training projects, motivating projects, projects that bring a real added value to the teachings delivered in our schools both at a primary and at a secondary level.Common and major target of these future projects: students.EXPERIENCED COORDINATION TEAMOur coordination team GIP - DAREIC has gradually developed its expertise in the management and coordination of mobility consortia mobility for students and staff. Between MOPIC13, the first consortium, and this new MOPAAM16_perso application, many steps have been achieved which allows us today to build the future with ambition and serenity.MOPIC13 2013-2015, MOPIC14 2014-2016, MOPAAM16 2016-2018, MOPAAM16_perso 2016-2018: GIP FORINVAL - DAREICMOPIC15 2015-2017, MOBinov 2016-2018: Regional Council - DAREICCALME_sco 2015-2017: GIP FCIP - DAREIC Lille - DAREIC AmiensOur students need openness, our staff needs extensive skills, our region needs ambition!
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