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Montearagón en Europa - Erasmus+
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MONTEARAGON EN EUROPA- ERASMUS+With this project, CPIFP MONTEARAGON intends to continue its modernization, innovation and international strategy developed during the last years through Erasmus Programmes. Our Vocational School is settled in Huesca, where courses related with agriculture, Mechanical manufacture and Social Issues are taught. During this year 463 students, mostly from rural areas, are enrroled.As a result of working to improve our Internatinal Dimension through European Programmes we have now a wide Host Partner network that allows our school offers a variety of apprentices to our students.The Host Organizations are: - Parco Regionale Migliarino, San Rossore, Massaciuccoli, Seaside Natural Park , settled between Pisa and Lucca ( Italy), which belongs to " Biosphere Reserves" and "European Certificate of Protected areas" where they develop conservancy , forest protection strategies, Enviromental Education and voluntary programmes. ( suitable for Agrarian Studients).- IISS " Parentucelli/Arzelá", School with 1300 students enrolled and situated in Sarzana( Italy). Their courses are related with Agriculture, Bussines and Tourism. This school provides to our project a wide experience in European Projects and has a remarkable number of relationships with the businesses of this area. They are able to contact with companies for our Agriculture Students , as well as for Social Issues.- North Shropshire Collage is a General Further Education College, but is also the specialist land based College for the county with four campuses and further sub centres across Shropshire, and currently has over 2,000 students. The curriculum areas covered by the College include Land base ( Agriculture, Countryside Managment, Equine and Animal Management), Engineering, Teacher Training, Business Studies, IT, Essential Skills, Sport & Leisure, Hospitality & Catering, Health & Social Care, Hair & Beauty and Construction.This organisation has a wide background in European Projects and a close working relationships with a large number of employers. This Host Organisation will provide us workplacement for our students, staff and help us to improve our Erasmus Project Management one of our main aims in this project.- AMFI " Agenzia per la Mobilititá e la Formazione Internationale" is a non-profit organization specialized in managing of international training programmes. It promotes non-formal educational projects and activities within the framework of European Programmes. This association offers students workplacement and accomodation to us , included Mechanical manufacture and Social Issues.We applied for 3 mobilities for students trainingship ( 2 in Italy and 1 in The UK) and 2 mobilities staff (Italy and The UK) to undertake professional experience and Jobshadowing. We offer to our partners to be their Host organization.Through these mobilities we intend to strengthen the "European Development Plant" and improve the benefits to be gained by participating students, professional and comunication skills, also their academic compentences, making easier their future job access. Staff mobilities will contribute to high quality standars of education from working with European Partners.In a medium term we hope that we will be able to rise the number of student and staff mobilities, as one objective of the Internacional and European Development Plan.In the long term, this porject and its predecessors, will contribute to improve our European Image and Projection due to Erasmus programmes prestige, as well as getting to be recognized in and international sphere.Our Host partner will be benefit form the cultural schoolarship between our students and their students. Through these projects we hope we could start new projects trying to reach our International objectives and improve our Educational programmes.

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