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Monitoraggio genetico- molecolare dellavifauna del comprensorio Corsica–Toscana labronica finalizzato alla conservazione e al ripopolamento (Monitoraggio genetico- molecolare dell’avifauna del comprensorio Corsica–Toscana labronica finalizzato alla conservazione e al ripopolamento)

The project concerns the taxa which are very important in the economic and social environment of Tuscany and Corsica.The molecular analysis of different population of àlectoris (partridge) which live in the it is a good occasion to study the genetic bio-diversity of this taxon, monitoring both the partridge on the territory and those that are in captivity in order to have reliable information which will be use by the authority for safeguarding the areas.The genetic appraisal is conducted with two strategies: Studding the genes of DNA mitochondriale; using genetic marker.

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  • 36.7%   39 559,51
  • 2000 - 2006 Islands (IT-FR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

1 Partners Participants