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Monitoraggio delle risorse idriche sotterranee ed interventi per il controllo dell'intrusione marina e per la riduzione dell'inquinamento da attività agricole (MORISO)
Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main objective of the project is monitoring coastal aquifers to check for sea water intrusion and reduce the pollution caused by agricultural activities. The following are the specific objectives: -define the quality and quantity of the underground water resources of some hydrological basins; -identify those coastal aquifers which are vulnerable to sea water intrusion and/or contamination caused by agricultural activities; -define agricultural practices wich save water thus protecting the aquifers; -define strategies to prevent salinisation and aquifer pollution; -evaluate the efficiency and costs for desalinating water intended to irrigation purposes; These objectives will be reached using the following activities: -implementation of a groundwater monitoring network; -formulation of a Geografical Information System (GIS) of water resources; -installation and commissioning of a pilot desalination plant as well as a micro-irrigation system. The results will provide very useful indications for better and efficient monitoring of underground water resources and will hepl identify interventions for checking sea water intrusion and reducting the contamination caused by agricultural activities. Moreover, the project will provide indications for the sustainability of using desalinated brackish water for the irrigation of agricultural crops, parks and gardens. l progetto ha come obiettivo generale il monitoraggio degli acquiferi costieri, finalizzato al controllo dellintrusione marina e alla riduzione dellinquinamento causato da attivà agricole. Gli obiettivi specifici son i seguenti: - definire la qualità e la quantità delle risorse idriche sotterrane in alcuni bacini idrografici; - individuare gli acquiferi costieri esposti al rischio di intrusione marina e/o di inquinamento provocato da attività agricole; - definire le pratiche agronomiche finalizzate al risparmio idrico e alla tutela delle falde; - definire le azioni per prevenire i processi di salinizzazione e di inquinamento delle falde; - valutare lefficienza e i costi del processo di dissalazione di acque slamastre per usi irrigui; Tali obiettivi saranno perseguiti attraverso le seguenti attività: -limplementazione di una rete di monitoraggio delle acque sotterranee; -la creazione di un Sistema Informativo Territoriale (SIT) delle risorse idriche sotterranee; -la messa a punto di impianti pilota di dissalazione e di microirrigazione; I risultati attesi sono l' implementazione del sistema di monitoraggio delle risorse idriche sotterranee e l'individuazione di interventi per il controllo dellintrusione marina e per la riduzione dellinquinamento prodotto da attività agricole. Inoltre, il progetto consentirà di trarre indicazioni sulla sostenibilità della dissalazione di acque salmastre per irrigazione di colture agricole, di parchi e giardini Achievements: The project has reconstructed the hydro-geological structure of some aquifers and defined the quality and quantity of underground water resources falling within the Ragusa Malta cross-border area, allowing the identifi cation of hydrological basins vulnerable to sea water intrusion and/or contamination caused by agricultural activity. In such areas, in fact, over the last decades, a worrying deterioration of water resources has occurred due to the use of fertilizers and chemicals that, soaking through the ground reach the aquifers and contaminate them. In addition to this, the over exploitation of ground water resources has caused the intrusion of sea water and consequent brackishness of fresh water-bearing strata, making the coastal zones even more vulnerable. A territorial investigation was carried out in Sicily and Malta to identify the coastal aquifers in most danger of sea-water intrusion and/or pollution from agricultural activity. In these basins the partnership began an experimental phase monitoring the groundwater. In particular, the monitoring network of groundwater in the Ragusa Province was integrated with another four bore holes sank in the Donnalucata area with water samples monitored at monthly intervals. Furthermore, a protocol was underwritten by the Sicilian project partners and the Ragusa Province for the joint management of the ground water monitoring network in the region and a Geographical Information System (GIS) of water resources in the Ragusa Province was implemented. On the island of Malta the monitoring of groundwater was conducted with one bore-hole every 16 sq km. Furthermore, a simulation model was implemented for the aquifers identifi ed within the areas of study in the Ragusa Province and in Malta. The work carried out also permitted the activation and defi nition of agronomic practices aimed at saving water and safeguarding the water tables, interventions to prevent the processes of salt water contamination and pollution of the aquifers, and the evaluation of the potential application of small-scale desalination plants of brackish water for irrigation purposes by implementing a prototype desalination plant on Malta. Within the ambit of the initiatives was also the evaluation of the effects of micro-irrigation of small fruits with brackish water; the involvement of stakeholders (addressees and not) of the projects activity (SOAT, Provinces, Professional guilds, land reclamation consortiums, and schools) through the creation of a web site, as well as seminars and public debates. At the conclusion of the activity a volume has been scheduled containing the main results obtained for the sustainable management of water resources and the growth of awareness in water saving in the wider context of safeguarding the environment. • 2 Territorial Information Systems (TIS) on underground water resources • 2 desalination pilot plants • 1 micro-irrigation plant

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  • 71%   688 474,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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5 Partners Participants