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Monikulttuurisen varhaiskasvatuksen ja luontopedagogiikan kehittäminen Espoon varhaiskasvatuksessa
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

An increasing share of children attending early education in Espoo comes from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The task of early education is to support the growth, development and learning of children so that children learn Finnish and can begin school in general classes in basic education. This paves the way for a smooth integration into the Finnish society.In the project “Developing multicultural early education and nature pedagogy in the early education in Espoo”, study visits will be made to day care centres and a nature centre in the metropolitan area of Denmark. The study venues have a vast experience and knowledge of cooperating with families and children from multicultural backgrounds. The visit will contribute to develop the staff’s competences in encountering families from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and in carrying out early education in a multicultural environment, as well as help the managers to direct multicultural early education. There is also an interest to learn new practices in how nature pedagogy can support integration.The aim of the project is to develop multicultural early education and nature pedagogy. The project aims at learning how the integration of and linguistic support for children from immigrant backgrounds is organized at the study venues. The aim is also to gain knowledge on how nature pedagogy is carried out and made use of in the early education for immigrant children at the study venues. The visit is expected to give information and good practices from experienced actors. The information will be used as basis for evaluation when outlining objectives for development of multicultural education in the early education in Espoo.The visiting group consists of six persons, representing Espoo day care centres, their management and development experts. During the visits, the participants will observe the activities at the study venues, meet the staff and document the experiences in line with the aims of the project.The participants will gain new abilities in encountering families from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and in carrying out early education in a multicultural environment. They will get ideas on how language education can be carried out effectively and how nature pedagogy can be made use of in integration. The participating day care centres and the early education in Espoo will get information that will be utilized when mapping development targets regarding mentioned themes in all early education units in Espoo.

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