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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proportion of non-native Finnish speakers in Lauste on school has been increasing for years, and has now exceeded 50%. There are elements in teaching non-natives that differ from the teaching of native language speakers. The teachers in our school wish to develop our school so that these elements will be taken into consideration even better than this far. In many European countries there have been immigrant pupils for a lot longer time than in Finland. In these countries they are having many very good methods and practices in organizing the teaching of non-native language speakers. Our aim is to find and put together the most useful practices, and to develop them to best suit our school and the Finnish educational system. There will be approximately 10 participants. Our school is the applicant organization, and we will send groups of teachers to do job-shadowing in schools in other countries. There will be 2-3 partner schools in each of the four partner counties. All of the partner schools have not been confirmed yet. They will be searched and chosen within the eTwinning portal. The partner schools will be schools with a considerable number of immigrant pupils. After the job-shadowing periods we will put together our experiences, and on that basis we will start developing the teaching methods and practices in our school. There are many schools in Finland similar to ours where the number of non-native Finnish speakers is increasing. Our aim is to be able to share the good new practices with these schools. Our long term aim is to apply for further Erasmus+ funding after this project, and thus be able of inviting our partner schools to visit Lauste school. Thereby as many schools and countries as possible could benefit from the results of this project.
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