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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Youth Exchange “Money for nothing” intends through non-formal education methodologies to stimulate young people's active citizenship and entrepreneurship skills by using their artistic instinct, imagination and improvisation. This project will be developed by 4 EuroMed countries (Portugal, Italy, Tunisia and Egypt) and will take place in Amarante (Portugal) during 8 days, from 11th till 18th September 2014. It will gather in a balanced way (gender and countries) 24 participants (6 per country), aged between 18-25, and 4 youth leaders (2 from Programme Countries and 2 from Mediterranean Partner Countries). It ill also have a Advanced Planning Visit with all youth leaders from 6th till 9th august 2014 in Amarante (7th and 8th august will be the working days). The main objectives are: foster the values of solidarity and mutual understanding between young people from different cultures; develop creativity and sense of initiative in non-formal artistic contexts; raise awareness/involve the local community by promoting active participation, intercultural learning and citizenship; raise the spirit of cooperation among youngsters and between them and the community. Main activities and methods: during the week, the participants will develop several activities that will make them understand the differences and similarities between young people that live in Europe and North Africa. We will use the methodology of non-formal education and some activities of COMPASS (human rights education) in order to raise the discussion and reflection on topics related to the happiness and well-being of people. Music, theatre, street art and media will be the main tools used throughout the Activity as we believe they are good tools to create bonds between people and pass the message. Results and impact: we expect this activity to create a new attitude of young people towards difference, improve their capacity to participate in decision-making processes that affect them and empower them in order to face the challenges and take advantages of the opportunities. The impact that this project seeks to create both in the participants and in the local community is great for the theme connected to different kind of art expressions and the methods used (NFE activities, street art actions, music, video, etc.) that allows a great interaction within the group of participants and the community. This approach encourages youngsters to be more innovative/creative, thus transforming their way of thinking and perceiving reality, passing it to the community.
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