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Mon avenir professionnel? Pas sans l'Europe!
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school George Sand is located in the heart of a dynamic economic and commercial basin in the city of Domont ( 95330 ) . This feature is an asset for our vocational education to the extent that our trained students for careers in the service and in particular that of Bachelor Business Commerce are many partnerships during their training periods Medium Business . This basin also is full of opportunities for our students to mix with foreign customers . However the demand for increasingly demanding outlets makes the assumption these courses, difficult for our students. To facilitate their integration in enhancing their professional and educational background and at the same time giving them the opportunity to continue their studies in BTS, we wish to enroll them in the mobility project . To mobilize our students and prevent them dropping out of school , we have implemented a series of activities punctuating their three years of schooling : - Second European opening including the conference visit the Jean Monnet, - Visits Parliament in Brussels and a chocolate factory, three days of immersion in Croydon durin the firts level . Programming inventory at Toys'r'us and a high school football tournament to raise part of the funds needed. - Mobility of 4 weeks in a point of sale in Cork in terminal level. . Regarding this last phase , we selected 14 students: 8 girls and 6 boys with a general from a second. Our selection criteria were taken into account attendance , punctuality, behavior in the classroom and in the workplace , and finally to their level of English . What are preliminary or final , all these activities are evaluated by the teaching team to fully involve students in their training and make them aware that any project requires implementing the means to achieve it. We expect a positive impact on the radiation from high school in attracting future candidates for mobility in our classes second, revitalizing the image of vocational classes by giving these students a linguistic and professional European cultural dimension
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