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,,Mokytojų bendrųjų (kalbinių) ir profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimo sinergija: pagrindinio, vidurinio, Tarptautinio Bakalaureato Diplomo ugdymo programų kokybės užtikrinimas“
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Kaunas Jesuit High School in accordance with the objective of the Strategic Plan 2013-2018 - to enable each member of the gymnasium community to develop individual skills - created a two-year project „Development of teachers‘ general (language) and professional competencies in synergy: basic, secondary, International Baccalaureate Diploma curriculum quality assurance. This objective responds to the objectives of Lithuanian national progress strategy „Lithuanian Progress Strategy „ Lithuania 2030“ - to educate individuals who are not afraid of changes and are open to new ideas and global competition. Implementing the ideas of the learning organization, Kaunas Jesuit High School participated in the projects of European Union Lifelong Learning program 2011-2013. The participants of the projects have successfully improved the general competencies and mastered the best educational practices, but the English language user competence B1 the teachers acquired does not allow us to implement the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme qualitatively, as our community has become a member of International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme network since 2013. Aiming to develop a well-rounded personality, our gymnasium is willing to provide the equal opportunity for students from Litghuania and abroad to acquire international education which is recognized by the Government of Lithuania. In order to become a full-fledged member of the international network of schools, our gymnasium is going to help to improve English language skills 11 teachers (literature, biology, chemistry, information technology, physics, economics, art, math, geography), enabling them to participate in the five-to-ten day intensive English language courses. The relevant themes of the project are: the development of the English language communicative competences, the integration of the English language and the subject on international scale, the use of IT technologies in the lessons of various subjects. Seeking to accomplish the strategic objectives, Kaunas Jesuit High School has chosen the partners of the program Erasmus + - European (Malta, UK ) language schools with international experience in teaching English methodology. The participants of the project will improve the competences to work with basic, secondary and the International Baccalaureate Diploma program thus gaining a positive perception and evaluation of lifelong learning competence, will gain experience in sharing the material with their colleagues from the EU countries, will develop language learning skills, will improve skills of the English language integration into other subjects, will strengthen teachers' ability to use ICT teaching methods. The teachers will share their experience with communities of our gymnasium, other schools around Kaunas and Lithuania, they will also prepare their subject descriptions. For the successful development of our gymnasium the teachers have to acquire the English language competence equivalent B2 (according the outline of Council of Europe). This way our gymnasium will be able to qualitatively implement basic, secondary and International Baccalaureate Diploma program education. Kaunas Jesuit High School will ensure the possibility for students from the city of Kaunas, other cities in Lithuania and Europe to acquire international secondary education in Lithuania, as Kaunas Jesuit High School is the only school implementing the International Baccalaureate Diploma program in Kaunas.
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