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Mokyklos personalo profesinių, tarpkultūrinių ir užsienio kalbos kompetencijų tobulinimas dirbant su migrantais ir mokiniais turinčiais negalę
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Title of the project “Education of migrants and students with special needs: improving professional, intercultural and foreign language competences of the school stuff”Over twenty years Vilnius „Versmės“ Catholic Gymnasium (VVKG) implements inclusive education which started as an integration of the students with special needs (having development disorders and facing difficulties in learning) and developed into a system which allows now to integrate this kind of students into the general education. There are 13% of students with special needs in our school. Concerning the changes in nowadays circumstances the concept of special needs is becoming wider and is still expanding not only theoretically but also practically. The number of students of different nationalities and of various languages is increasing because of the coming back migrants and mixed families also children from the refugee families. Today there are students of different nationalities in our school. These are children of immigrants and coming back families from Eastern and Western Europe also children from Irac (totally 11 nationalities). The school is a member of Assumption schools network and has a permanent contract of collaboration with Assomption France, pursues Erasmus+ KA1 (2014/2016) project, also takes part in other projects as a partner school. The school has its European development plan which enables to form the strategy of the school considering the international projects, their priorities and work in international school network.The aim of the Project “Pavadinimas“ is to seek better quality of inclusive education of these children who are in families facing uncomfortable social situation and to improve competences of teachers and staff. The objectives of the aim are:1. To improve the basic competences of the other languages (English, French) of those teachers who teach other subjects (not foreign language).2. To educate intercultural and social competences working in heterogeneous classes.3. To encourage knowledge and ability to empathize and respect the lifestyle and values of the other cultures.4. To reinforce partnership between schools implementing the Assomption education and other ones integrating the migrants from EU schools into the national education. There are 31 planned of mobility in the Project. They include three types: job shadowing (10), courses (20) and teaching assignments abroad (2). The collaboration with the Assomption France partner schools is going to be proceeded and new partnership is going to be established with Slovenia Osnovna sola Kaselji and Italy Como St Carpoforo schools. The whole community of the school has got experience in doing international projects, is able to host trainees from abroad educational institutions. The members of the school community also take part in various exercises in Lithuania and abroad, expand their competences and improve their skills.The specialized work group is made which is responsible for selecting Project participants and for the implementation of the Project, too. This selection of the Project participants was made considering general and special criteria. The main point of this selection includes the aim of the particular mobility, the motivation of the employees, their preparation to share the obtained experience, ability to use acquired competences themselves and share with other colleagues. Moreover the priority goes to these persons who work with newcomer migrants and students having special needs (especially those who have development disorder and mental disability) or did not participate in the earlier Erasmus+ KA1 mobility programmes. The right experience in realizing other projects and the clear vision of performing activities will help to succeed in this Project. The success will be provided on the following factors: clear selection of the Project participants procedure, ultimate involving of the community, structured and regulated running of the mobility programmes, security ensuring of the participants, supervision also assessment and sharing of the acquired competences and their applying in the education and management process.After the realizing the Project, acquired linguistic, social and subject competences (intercultural, working with foreigners and special needs students) will be improved and the collaboration with Assomption schools (Assomption Bondy in France, Instituto St. Carpoforo in Italy and new school Osnova sola Kaselji in Slovenia) will be strengthened.

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