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„Mokykis iš policijos užsienio šalyse“
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Police have a mission to protect and respect human rights and freedoms, ensure public order and public safety, according to their competence to form a secure environment and to carry out effective prevention and investigation of criminal offenses and other violations of law. Therefore, it is very important for cadets of the Lithuanian Police School (hereinafter – the LPS) to develop their professional skills and continually improve them during their studies at the LPS. During their studies at the LPS, cadets analyze implications of the police actions and main methods of the police tactics, used to ensure public order, safety of traffic and society. Upon completion of their training at LPS, cadets are expected to carry out their daily duties in accordance to requirements and expectations of the police and society. However, in certain situations, police officers with little work experience in the field lack police professional skills and confidence to show them. Dynamic migration processes, ever growing flow of foreigners in the country increase the need for policemen to improve their foreign language skills. Due to progressing globalization, social phenomena are also becoming universal and this affects versatility of the police work and requires standardizing of police practices. Upon careful analysis of the police activities, the Police Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania in its Strategic Action Plan which covers years 2015-2017, has set the goal to improve the quality of police services. In view of aforementioned Strategic Action Plan and its goal, LPS seeks to ensure the provision of vocational training in compliance to the needs of the police system. The opportunity to develop and cultivate professional skills to cadets is provided through eight week long training placement with Lithuanian police stations. By participating in the project, completing part of their training placement in police stations of other countries, the European dimension is added to the training process of the cadets and cadets are given possibilities to get acquainted with the specifics of police work in other countries, their best practices and challenges. By completing their practical training abroad cadets improve their professional competences, their general and professional foreign language skills, acquire experience in communicating with foreign nationals, and learn to understand them better. In addition, LPS, by preparing and implementing mobility projects that benefit cadets, gains valuable experience of cooperation at European level. Established relationships with partner organizations provide possibilities to exchange best practices, search for new cooperation forms and possibilities, form long-term relationships with European police institutions. Based on positive experience of participants of the previous mobility projects, current police challenges and seeking to develop police cooperation, MPS established contacts with Warsaw Metropolitan Police (Poland) and State Police College of Latvia and prepared Erasmus+ mobility project “Learn from the Police Abroad” . The implementation of this project will achieve the following goals: 1. To improve cadet's professional competencies and practical skills in protecting public order and ensuring public safety. 2. To increase foreign language learning motivation as well as professional and general language skills; 3. To enable the cadets to acquire intercultural experience and develop communication skills. 4. To promote cooperation and development of modern training and work practices among the European police institutions as well as increasing its extent. Project partners have planned that the duration of the project will be 24 months, starting from June 1, 2015 and last till June 1, 2017. During the project, 2 groups of students from the LPS will have their 2 week-long visit at the police stations in Warsaw and Riga. Each of our project partners will host 6 cadets. The Project results are expected as follows: 12 of the LPS cadets will improve their professional, social and personal competencies; information about the police trainings system and police activities of the ES countries will be collected and used in the training process; the cooperation and development of modern training practices among European police training institutions will promote further cooperation.
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