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Mokinių verslumo ir profesinių įgūdžių tobulinimas per praktiką smulkiose užsienio verslo įmonėse
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Improvement of students’ entrepreneurship and professional skills through practice in the small foreign businesses" aims to improve practical abilities in the field of small business organization and professional skills of agricultural production business employee, technical maintenance business employee and florists specialties students of Joniskelis Ignas Karpis school of agriculture and services, while improving the project participants' foreign language communication, social and intercultural competencies. Estimated target group of participants - 36 initial vocational training students of second or third training year, of whom - 22 students studying agricultural production business employee specialty, 8 – students of technical maintenance business employee specialty and 6 students of florist specialty. Six flows are expected for participants' for four-week learning practice in the autumn 2014: 14 agricultural production business employee specialty students will go to placement to Austria and 8 - to Germany; 4 technical maintenance business employee specialty students will go to placement to Austria and 4 - to Germany; 2 florist specialty students will go to placement to Austria and 4 - to Germany. All participants will practice in small business companies during mobility abroad: future agriculturalists and technical maintenance employees will practice in agricultural and agricultural technical enterprises, florists – in greenhouses of plants and flowers. By participating in the project students will learn about organizational structure of small business company, gain an understanding how to exploit the opportunities, how to develop an idea further into a product or service, will see examples how to solve problems boldly, how to accept the implications of own choice, how to manage recourses and money in company in a responsible way, will understand how organizations operate in society. Students will acquire the primary business ethics, teamwork and sales organization skills. From the professional skills students will improve: Agricultural production business employees will gain practical skills how: to maintain cattle (cows) on the farm, to work in a slaughterhouse, to process animal production primary, to sell production; Technical maintenance business employees will gain practical skills, how: to repair agricultural machinery, to perform maintenance of agricultural machinery, to service customers, to work with the loading, transport and mini agricultural machinery; Florists will gain practical skills how: to maintain flowers and seedlings cultivated in greenhouses, to prepare floral products, to store them and to arrange for sale; to service customers, to sell products, to advertise products. Participation in the mobility will improve these participants’ general competencies: communication foreign language, social and intercultural. The mobility achievements will be assessed by the certificates of host organisations, by the Europass mobility document, and by marks of vocational subjects, the marks will be included in the practical training ratings of the school. The project will have a direct social and economic impact on the participants, when they will finish the school - we hope that they will join actively to labour market of Lithuania or other EU country and part of them will establish a private business. The future employers of participants will have more active entrepreneurial employees. The future partners of participants, who will establish a private business will have more entrepreneurial partners. The project participants’ future working career will contribute to economic growth of Lithuania and EU.

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