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Moje umiejętności - moje miejsce pracy - staż dla energetyków i elektroników
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “My skills - my workplace – the training for power engineers and electricians” was created thanks to our teachers’ experience as well as due to the cooperation with our local power plant GDF SUEZ. The correlation between the theme of the project and the curriculum of the profession taught in our technical school (electronics and power engineering), as well as respect for all our employer’s suggestions and our British partner’s approval of all those requirements results in the situation where the educational value of the project seems to be enormous. Bearing in mind the graduates’ expectations concerning the job market and trying to continue educational innovations (in a new profession), the teachers in our school would like our students to obtain new skills and develop needed abilities throughout the participation in the project. British industry connected with power engineering, automated technology and electronics is one of the most powerful in western Europe. Therefore, learning the regulations and rules which are applied in these sectors is an invaluable asset for students’ future career prospects. The most important objectives of the project are: - For our cooperating partner: continuous increase of innovation in the area of vocational education, - For institutions and companies from Great Britain: enhance of vocational training obtained throughout comparing abilities of Polish students with their British peers, - For the participants: the opportunity to familiarize themselves with regulations and rules which must be followed to set up a business in the field of power and electronics industry, the chance to gain the knowledge referring to British job market requirements, the possibility to develop professional competence and language fluency as well as the chance to acquire some knowledge of modern technologies applied in the areas of electronics, power engineering and automated technology. In order to make our project the most efficient, all our plans were consulted with the local employers’ representatives in the field of power industry GDF SUEZ Polish Energy and all the content-related details as well as the way completion of the project were established together (half of the internship students are supposed to take in the power plant GDF SUEZ). Objectives included in our project and the ways of their realization reflect the following needs: - Acquiring new skills and work competence, - Development of abilities for self-employment due to the knowledge concerning rules and regulations of British work market, - Learning about new technologies applied in the sectors of electronics, power engineering and automated technology. The project involves participation of 24 students at the age of 17 – 18,who study power engineering, automated technology and electronics (2 groups of 12 students). They will be chosen on the basis of the following criteria: - Being interested in the theme of the project, - Having good command of English, - Achieving satisfactory results in vocational subjects, - Being well-behaved and without addictions. Two-week training includes the following activities: Learning about new technologies in the field of power engineering, automated technology and electronics, - Activities in energy-efficient house, - Visit and classes in the factory producing ‘green energy’- Biomass Energy, Meetings with the representatives of companies from energy and electronics sector, - Five days of vocational training carried out in the enterprises operating in the field of energy production, electronics and automated technology. The most important results of the project are: - Gaining new technical and vocational skills referring to the area of modern technologies and eco-technologies, - Developing practical skills in the field of conventional and unconventional energy production, - Extending the knowledge of English in the range of technical vocabulary, - Learning about foreign language culture, - Arousing pro-European attitude, - Developing self -employment abilities, To achieve the objectives of the project all aspects of our work were precisely planned and discussed with the participants. What is more, the premises where the training is going to take place are thoroughly checked and the assessment of the project will include the evaluation of the participants as well as the project. The results and the evaluation report will be available to all the beneficiaries of the project (training host companies, GDF SUEZ and other vocational schools). Teaching materials gained as a consequence of the project realization will be implemented in works on new projects and new faculties, as well as used for modifications to the school curriculum to make them more effective and better correlated with employers’ expectations. Gaining new competence in our project is not possible to fulfil in our country therefore the realization of the project is a priority action for us.
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