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Modes d'ORGANisation des pratiques AICL (apprentissages intégrés de contenu et de langue)
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The MORGAN project: ways of ORGANIZATION of the CLIL practices is a project arisen from meetings and from previous collaborations established at bilateral levels between France, Belgium and United Kingdom. It leans on the current actions in the bilingual schools in Germany, in England, in Belgium and in France, with different of development such as partnerships.The diversity of the names give to these methodologic approaches reflect the diversity of the realizations and the comprehension which have the educational authorities and the teachers. Taking part to the project : Three countries: Belgium, the United Kingdom and France grouping(including) schools of the first degree, local authorities and institutions of higher education participate in this project of strategic partnerships.In France: the vice-chancellorship of Lille, the vice-chancellorship of Amiens, three schools the Sagebien school in Amiens, the school Vallois du Portel and the Froissart de Valenciennes school in the North, the ESPE Lille Nord of FranceIn the United Kingdom: county council Suffolk and two schools: Holbrook Primary school

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