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Modernization of Zoological Gardens in Zamość and Lutsk and Development of a Concept of Establishing a Recreation Zone in Rzeszów in Order to Develop Cross-border Qualified Nature Tourism (IPBU.01.02.00-06-690/11)
Start date: Apr 16, 2013, End date: May 15, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of the project is increasing the significance of tourism as a factor which will stimulate social and economic development of Zamość, Rzeszów and Lutsk and will lead to creating new work places, thereby increasing the income generated by tourism and tourist services.Project aim in increase the attractiveness of zoological gardens in Zamość and Lutsk by launching new and enhancing the existing exhibitions, thereby increasing the number of offers/attractions in the area of qualified nature tourism. The number of visitors should rise to about 139 thousand in Zamość Zoological Garden and to about 35 thousand in Lutsk Zoological Garden within 1 year from project completion.Cross-border nature of the project is also revealed in full involvement of all the partners in project implementation; the partners participate in the project on equal terms both regarding its financial and substantive aspect. The project contributes to breaking down barriers between border communities by their equal participation in its preparation and subsequent implementation.
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  • 89%   2 296 899,83
  • 2007 - 2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants