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Modernizacja otoczenia architektonicznego gospodarstw agroturystycznych szansą na zwiększenie ich atrakcyjności.
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The beneficiary of the project is Zespół Szkół Rolniczych Centrum Kształcenia Praktycznego im. Józefa Wybickiego w Bolesławowie (Agricultural School Center for Practical Training in Boleslawowo), the foreign partner is the German training center for agricultural technology DEULA in Nienburg. The project "Modernization of the architectural environment of agrotourism farms as an opportunity to increase their attractiveness" is addressed to students of ZSR CKP in Boleslawowo interested in the theme of the project, and in particular to the trainees in the professions of landscape architecture and rural tourism. The project will include 18 students selected during the recruitment process (plus a three people reserve). Participants of the project will improve their skills directly related to the design, revitalization and modernization of green grounds with special emphasis on rural tourism facilities and rural areas. It is a subject related to their field of education, however, focused on a specific type of environment, going beyond of what they are taught in school, which will enable young people to acquire additional professional skills. During theoretical education in school, students are acquainted with the development of a specific type of landscape, the design of ponds, irrigation systems, or the creation of small garden architecture elements. However, participation in the internship will allow the participants to confront theoretical knowledge with their practical skills. The participants will master safety rules connected with the usage of machinery during building and gardening; they will also master the principles governing the design and built of irrigation systems, furthermore, enhance their skills of designing and organising flowerbeds and flower arrangements. Thanks to the excellent facilities offered by DEULA in Nienburg, trainees will be able to explore the construction of modern machines and improve their skills in using them. They will learn the proper selection of suitable plants depending on the environment, needs and vision of the client. The students will gain the ability to design and execute small garden architecture elements, such as: stairs, dry walls, palisades. They will also acquire skills related to manual planting of flowerbeds and flower arrangements, as well as, proper organisation of the workplace and the responsible division of duties during teamwork. By participating in the project, students will improve their knowledge of Germany (especially in terms of vocational vocabulary), learn about the culture and customs of the inhabitants of Germany, make new contacts and gain new experiences in another country. Participation in this internship will increase the confidence of people in training, allowing them to overcome barriers communicating in a foreign language. Students will acquire new social and adaptive skills, learn to cooperate and act in a group (both on the social and professional level). The two-week internship will allow young people to prove themselves in a new situation, raise their competence to change, to make their own decisions as well as being an outstanding chance of autonomy. DEULA center in Nienburg is a place where many nationalities are educated, which will contribute to the increase of awareness towards multiculturalism and the respect for other cultures. All of this will affect the personal development of our students. The implementation of this project will enhance the skills of the participants and in the longer term should help improve the level of training of students in our school and increase their chances on the European labour market. Trainees will be taught by the highly specialised training center staff of our partner. The students will participate in the exchange of know-how with their young counterparts residing at the training center as well as those living in Nienburg. The teachers of ZSR CKP in Bolesławowo will also gain new knowledge, experience, and will have the opportunity to compare vocational education in Germany and in Poland. The entire project is supervised and coordinated by Mr. Alfred Portée the headmaster of the Zespół Szkół Rolniczych Centrum Kształcenia Praktycznego w Boleslawowie (Agricultural School Center for Practical Training in Boleslawowo). The school is also responsible for the financial side of the project. The implementation of the project will start in June 2015, the training is planned for spring 2016.
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