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Модернизация на ПОО чрез европейско сътрудничество и мобилност
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objectives of the Project “Modernisation of VET through cooperation and mobility” are relevant to the general objectives of the Erasmus + Programme – to improve the competences and employability, to support the modernisation of the educational and training systems and activities aimed at youth. The objectives of the project are related to the needs of the applicant PGO "Nedka Ivan Lazarova" and the target group /VET stuff/ for forming an institutional capacity for modernisation, Europeanisation of the training process and introducing the Dual education system in the content of the long expected changes in the VET law, effective since the end of last year. The selection of the target group of the project is being motivated by the presumption that the competences of the staff are the major factor for reforming and Europeanisation of VET. The selection of the German partner LAK is determined by the circumstances that Germany is a country with centuries-old traditions in using the Dual education system, the LAK profile is completely corresponding to the project objectives and by the fact that the organisations have already established partnership relations though the Erasmus + Programme, in a project which has been awarded a grant under the Programme last year. The general objective of the project is aimed towards the continuous development of the staff of PGO "Nedka Ivan Lazarova" for achieving modernisation and internationalisation of the learning process. The specific objectives of the project are: 1. Increased professional competence of 25 people /special subjects teachers, general education subjects teachers and staff with administrative functions/ through two weeks training mobility in Germany in 2015 и 2016; 2. Increased capacity of the Bulgarian partner for putting into practice the Dual system, bringing the learning process up-to-date through introduction of innovative European methods, approaches and successful practices for enhanced quality of the VET; 3. Increased capacity of the Bulgarian and German partners for implementing projects for transnational mobility in the field of VET. The total number of the mobility participants is divided into 2 groups, which would be trained respectively in 2015 and 2016. The activities, through which the planned objectives will be accomplished include: І. Organising and preparation of the mobility /main responsibility of the Applicant – the sending organization/ - informing the staff about the project objectives, expected outcomes; selection of 25 beneficiaries through observing the principals of transparency and objectiveness; signing individual mobility agreements and multicultural preparation of the mobility participants; organising transport and insurance for the mobility participants; signing a Mobility agreement between the partners; ІІ. Training mobility /main responsibility of the German partner – receiving organisation/ - carrying out the mobility according to the training programme, including short travels in the region and organised rational use of the free time, aimed at introducing the country and the region in a cultural and historic aspect to the mobility participants; testing and recognition of the mobility outcomes with Europass; ІІІ. Reporting the project and dissemination of the project results /main responsibility of the Applicant, supported by the German partner/ - spreading widely and discussing the project results among the pubic and the interested parties /regional governing education authorities, representatives of industry employers’ organisations, company managers from the “clothing” sector, similar educational and training institutions, NGO/. Dissemination of the project results will be accomplished through organising project events for the interested parties including the mobility participants and through project publications. Mobility will increase the participants’ knowledge about European policies in the field of VET and the tools for their implementation. Upon this basic knowledge through various training forms /lectures, discussions, practice observations and workshops/ they will develop new skills and dispositions, which will make easier the forthcoming introduction of the Dual system in the school, as well as it will facilitate the conducting of the schools’ strategy for constant modernisation of the learning process through European cooperation. The implementation of the project will increase the capacity for cooperation of the partner organisations, aimed to achieve common European approaches for solving problems of the educational services quality in the national systems of VET and to shape European areas of transparent qualification systems facilitating the transnational mobility of the labour force.

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