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Modernisoituva kyläkoulu
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PISA results show that Finnish basic education continues to reach the informational good results, but studies have found students' knowledge and attitudes related to school attendance dropped. We wanted to develop further the training of teachers in our school. Because the municipality does not organize training courses for teachers other than one - veso of the day, we decided to apply for teachers, international training courses from the EU. The goal is to get a high quality international training. Three, all of our school teachers have the opportunity to participate in continuing education courses. Two of the teachers have been teaching the work of more than 30 years, and one of the teachers has been a classroom teacher for 4 years. We are looking for six (6) different training course. These courses will focus on English language teaching, ITC technology, social skills, group dynamics, action methods in the classroom and learning in nature. Teaching methods that learn in training, are student-centered. The training of teachers to improve professional skills, English language skills increase, teachers, networking and initiators of international collaborative courses of European teachers with the knowledge of European issues is increasing geographically, scientifically and culturally, motivation will increase, decrease prejudices against foreigners and the exclusion will be reduced. In the long term, our school will improve the quality of teaching, the students become more tolerant of other cultures and countries, citizens, students are motivated to learn because their teachers are motivated to teach the new pupil -tune with modern tools, view students' learning outcomes will improve, increasing internationalization and exclusion is reduced. Networked education school is more interesting from the perspective of foreign partners. The image of the school will grow. The school looks like a good example of the active areas surrounding the school to other schools.
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