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Moderní přístupy ve výuce cizích jazyků na Střední průmyslové škole dopravní, a.s.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Moderní přístupy ve výuce cizích jazyků na Střední průmyslové škole dopravní, a.s. (Modern approaches in teaching foreign languages at Střední průmyslová škola dopravní, a.s. responded to the needs of the school in the education field of foreign languages. In our strategic development plan we identified three key areas that needed to be improved and developed. The first one was an area of modern approaches and methods in English and German lessons, then work with pupils with learning difficulties and problem pupils, finally to increase using of modern technologies in language teaching. In the project seven teachers of foreign languages took part. Most of them were not originally foreign languages teachers, they were retrained or have started their further studies. The project participants were selected according to the motivational interviews, work beyond their duties and their personal attitude to pupils and further education and prospects for school future. The selected teachers should have chosen a course so that its content closely matched their needs. The participants attended six two-week courses and one one-week course on modern methodology (4 teachers), how to work with pupils with special needs and problematic pupils (2 teachers) and the using of ICT in foreign language lessons (1 teacher) in the countries of their taught languages - Ireland , Great Britain and Germany. Many courses also offered optional afternoon workshops so the participants had the opportunity to gain extra knowledge in the areas that interest them. The coordinator always took special care so that the individual courses and their dates always differed. The preparation was targeted individually according to the participants' needs, The project coordinator also assisted the participants with a choice of courses, organizational necessities. The project coordinator also ensured the reservation of courses, issuing invoices by Czech standards, accommodation, flight tickets and in one case even local traffic. She provided support to the participants during the course (e-mail communication, telephone). During the courses we already required feedback from participants on the courses and evaluation of their content. The definitive assessment took place at the end of the project period to get an overview of what the teachers really like and what's with the interval used in their practice. The results of the project were disseminated through foreign languages departments among other colleagues, we prepared a workshop with techers' presentations of the course, sharing materials,etc. We managed to arrange a new language classroom in which we can apply new methods of work.Outside of our organization, the director informed his colleagues from the Association of Private Schools about results of the project. Unfortunately, we have so far failed to publish any article in the magazines. For the presentation of the project we use the school website, which contains freely downloaded a methodological guide what we are using in the practise ( or We supposed that the language courses abroad could positively affect the quality of teaching foreign languages at our school. The evaluation showed that the course content was not always corresponded exactly to the participants’ needs and our expectations. It is still a need for course participants and other foreign language teachers to work on changes to be sustainable, and it is also necessary to promote mutual observation and further education. In the long term, we expect improved results not only for all pupils, nor just those with learning difficulties and troubled, and greater passion for teaching. In several cases the course participants managed to make contact with teachers from other European countries. We believe that we will succeed in the future implement cooperation whether at the level of pupils or teachers.
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