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Moderní hotel - kvalitní služby = spokojenost zákazníků
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Tourism as a business is based on recreational and leisure purposes and every customer demands top quality services. The quality of hotel services, on which this project was focused, is influenced by many circumstances and, in our opinion, human resources are thought to be the most important. Behaviour and qualities of staff employed in hotel industry should be on the highest level as there is a need to make a good impression in a very short time. Tourism boom which results in rising competitiveness makes a pressure on entrepreneurs involved in this industry. Human factor creates conditions for satisfying customers’ requirements. This is done by direct contact, work and providing various services. Our school was fully aware of all those needs and as an educational institution, we are trying to provide the best possible education for our students who will be fully involved in hotel industry as employees or employers. Except for theoretical lessons, there are also placements (internships) as an integral part of studies. Our objective is to offer high-quality standard placements for our students so that they could use their experience after graduating from school and consequently they would become successful entrepreneurs in hotel industry – hotel managers, tourism and hotel industry professionals not only in this country but in other European countries as well. There were selected 11 students out of all 90 students in the first and the second year of study. The placement period was 2 months, which means that a group of 6 students participated in a 2-month placement in high-class hotels in Liepaja, a port city in Latvia; and another group of 5 students was placed in an Italian city of Gatteo Mare (Hotel Raffaello) for 2 months. And there were also Italian and Latvian students working on placements. Our objective here was to organize such a vocational training that would be in the closest connection to the needs and requirements of a hotel, a restaurant or any other establishment of tourism and hotel industry in real working conditions in cooperation with our partners in Italy and Latvia. This placement is based on our curriculum (ŠVP) called “Hotel Industry and Tourism” and is connected to vocational subjects lessons. Students used here their knowledge, skills, general and professional key competencies in an authentic hotel environment. Students also learnt and mastered new skills required in their job position. Furthermore, they were expected to be directly involved in organizing of gastronomic events , to master the technique and method of service, make the business strategy in catering section , accommodation , reception, using the ICT tools in work activities, work with information , organized and carried out professional work, worked in team and improved their language skills in two foreign languages, especially in the use of specialized terminology in English , as well as Latvian, Russian and Italian, respectively German . The key competencies also included professional behaviour, manners, representation of the company. Together with our students students from Latvian and Italian schools will work on an internship. We believe that our project will also contribute to establishing interpersonal relationships, learning to deal with people from different backgrounds, independently, fulfillment the assigned tasks responsibly and coping with extraordinary situations . As our school-located practice is only in the school restaurant, our students got the opportunity to become acquainted with modern technological equipment, using ICT at the reception, bacame knowledgeable in international cuisine and in additional hotel services, hotel complex management and hotel marketing. In our view it is therefore highly desirable to get all this experience in the placement abroad, as a big deal of this experience is hard or impossible to provide on the premises of our. For this reason we have decided for long-term placements, as only longer placements enable our students to learn more thoroughly with running the hotel, go through the various sections and as a result their acquired skills will be permanent and long-term , which we know from previous projects . The successful realization of this transnational project included the selection of the project coordinator, the selection of students, making a schedule, placement programme , ensuring transportation , insurance, accommodation and catering , balance sheet and other steps that were described . We expect that the results of the project (new skills, habits, professional skills, language skills, work with modern technology, new trends in gastronomy, flexibility ... ) , will be beneficial both for the students themselves (much better chances on labour market.), the school and the development of our region.
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