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Moderní evropské postupy a technologie – rozvíjení odborných dovedností a zkušeností
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Modern European methods and technologies - a way to develop professional skills and experience " includes two activities: a VET traineeship at a workplace (Activity 1) and staff training (Activity 2). Activity 1 is built on the previous cooperation among partner organizations and is implementing four-week placements of 30 students of various specializations in two runs in May-June and October-November 2016 in the UK. On Activity 1 Technical and Business College, Brno Olomouc 61 (SŠTE) is going to work with Language Solution, Portsmouth and companies in Hampshire, UK, who in the Memorandum of Understanding are going to set the conditions for their partnership, define their roles in the project and recognize criteria and procedures to ensure quality evaluation. The primary objective of Activity 1 is to provide placements for students, during which they will gain professional experience, improve practical skills, improve their linguistic, organizational, social and personal skills. The project also gives students the opportunity to integrate in the European working environment and improve the quality of their key competencies to ensure their professional growth and their competitiveness in the labour market, which will lead to their successful employment after graduation, a fruitful career and improvement of education quality at our school. The objective of the projects is also to implement ECVET tools to improve the quality of mobility and vocational education. 3rd and 4th-year students of various EQF 4 specializations, 1st and 2nd-year talented students of all specializations and 2nd-year apprentices (EQF 3) are going to participate in the project. We also want to involve to the project 3rd and 4th-year students with learning disabilities and on the other hand talented students to support their potential, motivation and self-realization and to start their fruitful career and personal life. For both groups of students learning outcome units will be adjusted according to their needs. Participants will work five days a week 7-8 hours a day in companies where they will fulfil the units of learning outcomes, which will be assessed and recorded in Personal Transcripts. For gaining social and intercultural skills we are planning to visit colleges and do sightseeing in Hampshire. We hope that we will organize excursions in other companies. The certification of Activity 1 will be provided by means of Learning Agreements, Personal Transcripts, Europasses of Mobility and Certificate of Proficiency Work Experience for each student. The project will have a huge impact on the participants in relation to their professional and personal growth, gaining social and personal skills. There will be an impact on other students of our school especially in their higher motivation and interest in studies. We are sure that the level of vocational education will improve by implementing the project observations and knowledge in teaching, which will lead to increasing the competitiveness of our graduates. The project will have a certain impact on partner organizations and involved companies, who will gain experience in the organization and management of mobilities. In addition, the communication among partners will improve and the cooperation and friendship will strengthen. To ensure Activity 2 SŠTE is cooperating with ECOMEDIA Europe, Wolfsberg, Austria. There will be 2 participants who are going to attend the course “Modern manufacturing methods in metal technology” which will ensure activities and training in CAD, Milling and Turning with SIEMENS control, 3D-Watercutting, Welding-technology, Sheet metal working and acquainting with other modern methods in metal technology and vocational subject teaching methods and traditions in other countries. An integral part of the course is to learn about the culture of Bavaria. Activity 2 will take place in Staatliches Berufliches Schulzentrum in the German Wiesau. This German state educational institution is responsible, together with ECOMEDIA Europe for the quality of the course. The course is designed as a meeting of teachers of vocational subjects with practitioners. The objectives of Activitiy 2 are vocational subject teachers´ knowledge and skill improvement, acquainting with new methods in education, gaining international contacts. Activity 2 results and impacts include vocational subject teachers´ knowledge and skill improvement, acquainting other teachers with modern manufacturing processes, machines and technologies, English communication skill improvement, gaining experience associated with participation in the international mobility, making contact with educational institutions, gaining an overview of current modern teaching methods, practical skills and transferring gained knowledge to other teachers and students at our school. The long-term impact is to improve the quality of technical subject teaching and thereby increase our graduates´ competitiveness.
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