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Models of Integrated TOurism in the MEDiterranean (MITOMED )
Start date: Jun 30, 2014, End date: Jun 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MITOMED promotes the integrated management of maritime and coastal tourism by improving the knowledge of data, products, services but also policies and thus pertaining to the sector through an assessed set of indicators based on the NECSTouR model. MITOMED provides a common working framework for tourism actors and stakeholders, thereby helping policy makers to make more informed and integrated decisions for the governance and management of tourism in the Mediterranean. By supporting sustainable and competitive tourism the project contributes to the objectives of the Integrated Maritime policy and of the Agenda for a sustainable and competitive European tourism of the European Union. Expected Results: • GAP ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY A shortlist of 34 relevant and feasible indicators was selected from an initial list of 119 indicators (from existing systems: NECSTouR, TSG, ETIS…). The indicators, covering 10 cross-sectoral themes (natural resources, energy, waste, quality of life of residents, of tourists and of work, Conservation of cultural and environmental heritage and of identities, de-seasonalization, transport) were used by project partners—through data collection and the involvement of regional stakeholders—to profile destinations from the socio-cultural, economic and environmental points of view.• GAP ANALYSIS OF MARITIME & COASTAL TOURISM DATA IN THE MED The indicators have been used to measure the economic, social, cultural and environmental implications of tourism activities in the territories. A critical assessment of the various indicators was carried out. The GAP analysis reveals which data are available and which not, and defines ideal thresholds to be reached under each indicator. The results can be used for monitoring, benchmarking and for the development of actions and policies.• SEA-BASIN SWOT ANALYSIS The SWOT analysis is centred on the tourist destination as a whole. It represents the starting point to reflect on the state of the art and the desired future of M&C destinations of each region, to investigate common issues, points to be improved and the above mentioned development potential.• ACTION PLAN FOR MARITIME AND COASTAL TOURISM IN THE MEDITERRANEAN The MITOMED Action Plan investigates the development potential of M&C tourism in the MED areas through the implementation of a management model, identifies actions for the realization of that potential and launches proposals for future transnational actions and projects to improve the governance of Maritime and Coastal tourism. Actions include: improvement of the data collection systems and interoperability, cross-sectoral co-operation; the development of innovative and green tourism products; better enforcement of environmental standards and protection of cultural and natural heritage.

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