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Modelling platforms for high-power resonant DC hub and power networks with multiple converter systems (Modeling DC)
Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This research proposal aims developing modelling tools for designing high-power multi-terminal DC transformers based on resonant topologies. The DC transformers with fault isolation property are expected to play a crucial role in developing DC grids, like the proposed North Sea supergrid. The resonant DC hubs with inherent fault current limitation are proposed as a replacement of traditional AC substation, and represent fundamentally different approach to power system operation control and protection. The second parallel aim is the development of modelling platform for dynamics studies of future (AC or DC) transmission grids with numerous converter systems. This modelling platform will be capable of representing unlimited number of converter systems in analytical form (parametric domain) and supporting eigenvalue studies in frequency range below 150Hz.
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