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Modelling installation effects in geotechnical engineering (GEO-INSTALL)
Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: May 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the proposed Marie Curie IAPP project is to develop, validate and demonstrate new robust numerical tools for modelling large deformation problems in geotechnics, considering both quasi-static and dynamic applications. Examples of such applications are the interaction between soil and foundations during installation, service and failure, a well as prediction of slope stability (mass gravity flow problems). The main focus will be in modelling installation effects in geotechnics. From the scientific point of view, the project involves major development and extension of the Material Point Method (MPM), and enhancement and further development of material models for describing the complex rate-dependent stress-strain-strength behaviour of natural geomaterials. In parallel, it also involves further development of various extended finite element methods to account for installation effects, which have the potential to become routine design tools in the future. The core of the proposed project is to validate and demonstrate the new methods and tools for modelling installation effects in geotechnics, which involved real field applications, through intense collaboration between industry and academia. In parallel, the project aims to strengthen and expand the collaborative links between the partners and to increase the R&D input and innovation in the geotechnical field. The philosophy/approach is problem driven, e.g. the numerical tools are developed to solve challenging problems of practical importance.

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