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Model European Union Madrid 2016
Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Mar 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Model European Union Madrid is the third edition of the European Union Simulation organised by JEF Madrid in collaboration with diverse youth European and Spanish Associations. It is the continuation of an activity with proved success and its extension through Erasmus+ Programme FrameworkProject’s objectives are:- Generate debates about sexual work and market, specially focused on public policies and society’s approaches regarding the topic.- Increase of European Union awareness among citizens.- Fostering of the understanding and knowledge about the internal functioning of the European Institutions.- Fostering and reinforcement of democratic values as well as dialogue and negotiation capabilities, in addition to promoting a critic citizenship focused on political culture among participants.Thereby, taking into consideration the Structured Dialogue it is required on one side to gather political decision-makers with young game-changers, and on the other side, through the simulation, to seek an approach to how decisions are made inside the European Union.The Project is structured in three phases.The first phase, the preparation phase, will serve as base to the further debate. It is linked with documents preparation necessary to the following phases. In this phase, we will ask partners to take several roles among the organising team, in accordance to their experience, background and preferences.The second place will be defined by the simulation itself, representing the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council. In this regard, international participants will take the role of the European Parliament members and ministers, as well as journalist and lobbyist, with the aim of driving participants to the real decision-makers, even defending contradictory opinions.The third phase will involve an event in Madrid in which will be analysis sessions, considering young’s opinion about the debated topic. During this debate, young participants will have to undertake a political role contrasting to their own ideology, prompting hence the enrichment of the debate and its conclusions. The final goal of the event is gathering 79 participants from 12 European states to take part in the European ordinary legislative process, taking part either as MEP, commissioner, minister, lobbyist or journalist. The expected participants’ profile is proactive young people, having a determined interest in European affairs as well as sexual workers in the modern European societies. In the model we will simulate all the relevant phases of the Euopean Union’s ordinary legislative process. Thus, every participant will experience the different steps in which the work of the European Institution is divided. Along 6 days, the proposal made by the Commission will be debated, negotiated and finally voted. Meanwhile, a small group of participants will take the role of lobbyists and journalists (in charge of informing MEPs and Ministers) taking the role of civil society and Media.

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12 Partners Participants