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Model Design and Manufacturing of the Turbofan Configuration for Low Speed Aerodynamic and Acoustic Testing (LOSPA)
Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"A requirement has been produced to design and manufacture an innovative new wind tunnel model to enable the acquisition of aerodynamic and acoustic data. Nacelles and pylons will be included to accommodate two turbofan simulators which are to be supplied by DNW/ONERA. A set of wings will be produced which will have removable leading edges and trailing edge flaps. This will allow a wide range of configurations to be investigated, including clean, take-off, landing and airbrakes on/off. A modular empennage will also be produced. These items will be designed to interface with the remainder of the model which will be provided by a partner independent of this CFP. The resultant model will be tested in a low speed wind tunnel at atmospheric pressure to investigate two topics. Firstly, the effectiveness of the empennage in shielding engine noise, and secondly the assessment of wing aerodynamic efficiency together with low speed take-off and landing performance and handling qualities. A large number of steady and unsteady probes will be installed in the model. Kulites ® will be mounted in the thin nacelle and empennage. These will be supplemented by gauges on the empennage to measure loads.Aircraft Research Association (ARA) proposes to apply its extensive experience in wind tunnel model design and manufacture. ARA will lead the programme of work with manufacturing support provided by Future Advanced Manufacturing Ltd (FAM). ARA and FAM have worked closely on many wind tunnel model programmes, producing high quality models to exacting tolerances and demanding timescales. Over many years, ARA and FAM have established reliable working practices, innovative technical solutions to challenging requirements and effective project control and management processes. ARA and FAM will apply this expertise to the requirements of this new call to ensure that all aspects of the model are achieved in the required timescale and budget.."
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