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Mobivation - Mobility for Innovation in ICT Training
Start date: Nov 2, 2015, End date: Nov 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project 'Mobivation - Mobility for innovation in ICT Training', through 12 weeks training internships in six E.U. countries (France, Germany, Portugal, U.K., Slovenia, Spain) is part of the strategy of the Foundation ITS Kennedy of Pordenone, as a natural complement of the specialist formation process for 28 students attending two post graduate courses: 'High Level Technician for Cloud Architectures and Services' and 'High Level Technician for Intelligent Data Analysis'. Both courses are attended by 44 students over two years with 2000 periods of tuition, including 800 periods of internship, in order to get the title of 'High Level Technician for methods and technologies for software systems development', 5th level of EQF. The more specific targets of the project are the following: * complete the specialist formation and point to the full recognition of the aforementioned profiles in an European context, for the validation of formal, informal and non-formal skills together with the connected certification of learning outcomes (outcome- based approach) through a full cooperation between Italian and Foreign partners in order to fix a common value to ECVET credits* strengthen the competences and the employment rate of participants with the added value of extended skills acquired abroad in order to favour, on the one hand, innovation in the use of ICT in corporate environment, increasing competitivity of SME's (ref to general outline for High Technical Education - art.1, punto 2.a) DPCM 25-01-08) and on the other hand to develop active citizenship, personal care and welfare (Rethinking education, COM/2012/0669)* check, on the foundation behalf, the real application and transfer capability of e-CF standard in non-formal training context, merging education and training systems so that they can become a quality reference both at local and European levels.Our target refers to under 35 youngsters, with a B2 level in English (QCER), available on the labour market and involved through the attendance of the training path, in integrated actions for orientation, training (in formal, non-formal and informal contexts) set in a general frame for the development of competitivity of the italian productive system, starting from collaboration with local context and the productive world. Both training paths actually show out:* the current evolution of technologies in Cloud services and in the conversion of Big Datas into informations fitting corporate settings* the structure of the training paths corresponding to international standards of skills, recognized by the labour market in ICT context, in particular referring to e-Competence Framework3.0 (UNI 11506:2013)The specific comparison trend, at European and international level, core element for ICT careers, is all the more relevant in High level Technical Training, together with the growing request for knowledge, skills and competences (KSC) as far as it is a valuable answer to the requests of the labour market (Skillset and match, CEDEFOP January 2015) this will stress the importance of an experience abroad, natural integration of the training path offered by the ITS Kennedy Foundation.The training path is perfectly coherent with the European strategy 2020 (An European Strategy for Smart sustainable and inclusive growth) and can favour the implementation of ESCO for the exchange of datas between national systems. Therefore, the learning outcomes, and the success rate indicators of the project Mobivation have been carefully spotted and shared with our partners through the signing of the Mandate and consequently of a memorandum of Understanding and a Learning Agreement.The training pattern is based on induction with a strong learning by doing part. It is based on a training process that would develop simultaneously mixed basic knowledge, ICT skills (according to e-CF standard), transversal skills (Softskills and sectoral microlanguage C1-QCER level) with the following increasing of the employment rate for the beneficiaries of the Erasmus programme. Due to the economical crisis of these years, it is necessary to find and experiment new paths for the educational-training system. Transnational mobility is definitely a qualifying resource to face the challenge. The effort of the ITS Foundation, willing to invest resources on Transnational mobility (started with the previuos Erasmus+ KA1 T.A.C.IT. 2014) is based on the conviction that it can bring significant results both to the beneficiaries and to the organisation.
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