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mobinardo - Auslandspraktika für Lernende und Lehrende an Berufsbildungsinstitutionen
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project includes 140 grants for practical placements abroad for students at vocational colleges and 20 grants for practical placements abroad for vocational training personnel. The project is a continuation of the 2010 certified Mobinardo projects 1-5 (2007-2014). Within this framework approx. 700 participants have completed practical placements abroad in various participating countries. The main aim is that the participants are able to partake in the European job market. On the one hand, this goal is aspired to on an individual level through the attainment of necessary competencies, (e.g. foreign language knowledge, insight into company structures in other EU countries, understanding of the domestic market as a part of the European Economic Area etc.). On the other hand, the participants receive support in their personal development in that they have the opportunity to develop, for example, their self- confidence, intercultural competence, curiosity for things foreign, and their ability to change perspectives. Both aspects are reliant on and strengthen each other and contribute not only in a quantitative but also in a qualitative manner to the continuing development of the project according to the Erasmus+ Project aims. In particular, the participation of vocational training personnel has not only triggered individual changes but also changes on an institutional level. Within the organisational and personnel structure of the participating vocational training institutions procedures must be developed to provide an official and meaningful project participation, in terms of content, for the vocational training personnel. For example, replacement arrangements, if required work, or rather, labour law requirements, agreements amongst colleagues, board resolutions, recognition of additional acquired competencies and expertise in advising students, building networks. The participation of vocational training personnel improves the quality of the practical implementation of the placements for the students, for example, through empathic and better informed support for the students during their placement abroad, and, if necessary, also through personal meetings and quality controls of the placement work place as well as improved communication with possible providers of placements for the students. Mobinardo identifies four project areas: 1. Mobinardo flow: is suitable for students who are not so confident and have little experience abroad. The journey to and from the placement is organised by the EU-GS. Additionally it arranges, with the help of the partner organisations in the participating countries, the placements and accommodation as well as preparing the students linguistically and culturally. It also sets the departure dates. During their stay abroad the students are looked after comprehensively by the local partners. Mobinardo flow can be used when there is sufficient demand. (Approx 20 individual enquiries) 2. Mobinardo individual is suitable for participants who, with the support of the EU-GS, are able to organise their placements themselves (placements, accommodation, departure date, and journey), here the level of support can vary. The EU-GS ensures that the Erasmus+ Programme KA1 requirements are met at every stage of the individual planning, implantation and follow up phase of the work experience. Normally only applicants over 18 are eligible for this project area. 3. Mobinardo groups is suitable for groups of vocational college students who require custom fit, highly specialised placements (for example, 8 weeks compulsory work experience). Vocational training staff at the vocational training institutes are partly responsible for the organisation and for the intercultural, linguistic and subject matter preparation. The allocation of tasks between the EU-GS and the vocational institutes varies according to requirements, depending on how much EU-GS support is necessary. This process does not only lead to high quality work experience, but also achieves, above and beyond this, a transfer of Know how to the institutes of vocational training in the field of Erasmus+KA1. In this project area the EU-GS is responsible for compliance with the programme. The EU-GS especially ensures that this project area is made public and generally available in order to guarantee the pool character of this project. 4. Mobinardo tutors &trainers: This project offers stays abroad for vocational institute teachers, with the aim of updating student advisory skills and creating learning processes which reflect the growing internationalisation of the work place.
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4 Partners Participants