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Mobilny uczeń - otwarty na przyszłość
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “A mobile student – open for a future “ is aimed at meeting many of its participants’ needs, the most important of which are: the need for in-service practical training in the field of logistics and IT, as well as the need of getting acquainted with the methods and forms of Spanish companies functioning in order to compare and confront them with the Polish ones. Also there is the need to improve the students’ language skills.The participants of the project will be 32 students of Zespół Szkół in Poręba, who study to become IT and logistics technicians. The program of the project stipulates the division of the students into two, sixteen – person each, groups. Only the students from the second, third, and fourth forms, who have suitable theoretical knowledge, will take part in the project.The first group will consist of IT students who will go to Spain in February of 2017 to learn the programming of the Android mobile applications.The students of logistics will go in December of 2017 to study the operation procedures of sea ports and terminals.The participants will be chosen according to the clearly stated criteria of the recruitment regulations. Prior to departure the students will be thoroughly prepared to take part in the project (each group will take an 18 - hour course of language and culture classes and an 8 - hour pedagogic course). The participants will sign individual contracts and their insurance, reservation and purchase of tickets, as well as their transportation, will be arranged. During the training period the school will be carrying out continuous monitoring and supervision of the activities.The program of the training has been worked out jointly by the School and by the agent institution, and has received a positive opinion from partner organizations The program meets the students’ expectations.The main partner in the project is euroMind, the institution which organizes the participants’ stay in Spain. The training program for the students of both trades has been prepared together with euroMind on the basis of the students’ needs which have been diagnosed by our School.On the basis of the approved program of training euroMind recommended to us two institutions, the SAFA vocational school and the Higher Institute of Technology ADA, both of which, due to their experience and expertise, will carry out the training program at the highest level. The principal aim of the project is to increase the students’ vocational competence and to enable them gaining the skills which will help them find employment after graduation. The specific goals of the project are: to broaden the knowledge and to improve the skills in the scope of planning, implementation and management of a company’s IT infrastructure, to gain experience in the logistics company organization of work , of planning and performance of services. The students will improve their knowledge of English and will learn the basics of Spanish. The project will help them overcome language barriers and will increase their creativity. The students will understand that they belong to and constitute a part of the European Community. They will understand how important it is to be mobile on the job market.The School will give the project participants the logistical and organizational support together with euroMind (the agent partner) which coordinates the training, accommodation, adjustment and cultural activities on place. EuroMind is the institution highly experienced in the organization of vocational trainings and it guarantees the highest level of the project realization.Each stage of the project will be evaluated in order to better prepare the next visit. Also, surveys will be conducted to assess the increase of the participants’ vocational and language competence.The results of the project will be disseminated on the School website, in local press and on the School blog. The evaluation of the undertaken activities will be presented at meetings with the employers active in the town and county area as well as at special dissemination meetings. The conclusions will be used for the preparation of next training projects.

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