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Mobilny fachowiec na europejskim rynku pracy
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is based on the Polish-German partnership. The entire initiative will last 13 months.The main objective of the project is to improve the quality of educational services in the profession “Technician of hairdressing services” and “Technician of nutrition and food services" – by enhancing the practical training component of students and teaching staff competences of the Technical School lead by ZDZ in Plock during 13 months.Within the project 20 students (+ 2 accompanying persons) and 10 members of the staff of the Technical School will participate. Scheduled mobility are students internships in foreign companies and Staff trainings (Job Shadowing).The implementation of the project activities apart from improving the competences of teachers and students will also have an impact on the participating organizations. The impact of this includes:- Adaptation of the foreign partner solutions in the area of of VET methods in the above two professions,- Competencies acquired by staff will enhance the quality of educational activities provided by Technical School lead by ZDZ in Plock, - German partner will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the procedures and specific features of VET of young people in Poland in the profession “Technician of hairdressing services” and “Technician of nutrition and food services".

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