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Mobilnostna izkušnja za vse
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project »Mobility for All« represents a follow-up and upgrade of the projects realized by the applicant in the past 3 years. The innovative point is represented by the extended consortium which includes sending partners from the educational and economic sector in the field of hospitality and tourism on the national level : 6 Slovenian secondary vocational schools for catering and tourism (Ljubljana, Maribor, Radenci, Radovljica, Izola in Celje) and Tourism and Hospitality Chamber of Slovenia- Association of Hoteliers of Slovenia). The project was implemented with the receiving partners in Spain, Malta, Great Britain and Portugal. The project involved 79 mobility participants from the following target groups: 1. Students in secondary VET from 6 Slovenian schools for gastronomy and tourism 2. Staff from 6 Slovenian schools - teachers of foreign languages, - teachers of professional subjects and practice) - staff from 8 companies (decision makers in hotels and restaurants) and representatives of the Association of Hoteliers of Slovenia The main goals achieved in this project are: - we enhanced the cooperation between the educational and economic sector and ensured the synergic impact of the mobility experience of all target groups involved on the national level - we contributed to internationalisation of the consortium partners, particularly those from the economic sector thus contributing to the promotion and increasing of mobility in Slovenia - we raised the attractiveness and quality of teaching/learning of foreign languages focused on multilingualism, intercultural competencies and the use if ICT - the teachers of non-linguistic subjects acquired communication skills in English needed for participation in mobility, particularly in the new forms of Erasmus+: teaching and job shadowing. - we contributed to more transparent and unified evaluation ,acknowledgement and certification of the learning outcomes acquired during the mobility by using the national and European tools - we increased the competitiveness and employability of the mobility participants by providing them with specific professional, multicultural and multilinguistic experience which resulted in raised self-confidence - we promoted the shortage occupations cook and waiter The implemented project activities were adapted to the needs and goals of the participants from individual target groups as follows: - internship in host hotels, intensive language course (English and Spanish) , cultural activities and excursions (students) - presentation and use of new computer assisted langauge teaching methods in workshops , creating sample lesson plans and teaching materials like CLIL store units (teachers of foreign languages) - language training in communication skills, needed for active participation in international projects, particularly in mobility for the purpose of teaching and/or job-shadowing) - the Euroskills course and workshops (teachers of professional subjects, practical classes) - exchange of good practices, visits of hospitality organisations, discussions with mentors of internship on organization, implementation and evaluation/certification of internships, interviews with trainees, workshops on quality in outgoing /incoming mobility and possibilities of integration of updated topics reflecting cuurent needs of economic sector into curricula (staff from enterprises) The most important impact of the project is: - improved ability (competences) of the staff in educational and economic sector for further participation in mobility projects - sustainability of project results by integration in either educational programmes (new methods and materials for language teaching) or training (the use of Guidelines for quality in implementation of internships by the participating enterprises) -increased motivation of enterprises for participation in mobility as partners or host employers within incoming mobility. We see the most important long-term impact of the project in the establishment of a good basis for the future cooperation between the educational and economic sector , in enhancing the internationalization process of the partners involved und raising the quality of VET by improving the competences of the teaching and training staff. And, last but not least the project can serve as an example how to address some new features of Erasmus +programme and to give the national and sectorial dimension to mobility experience within one single project.
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12 Partners Participants