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Mobilnost učencev kot katalizator poklicne odličnsti in vseživljenjske izkušnje
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

School vision: "In a safe and stimulative environment we strive to educate top-quality professionals whose creative work infuses our world with a distinct spirit of positiveness and enthusiasm." At our school we strive to offer something more than just plain vocational education and student mobilities are one of the ways to experience the added value of hairdressing vocation. Student mobility can be a life-changing experience and a student's statement "Sara, since you came back from Spain, you are much friendlier and even fun" testifies to a profound transformation that this particular student underwent. A teacher that categorically refused to go anywhere because she could not speak the language is now asking when she is finally going to travel somewhere. International cooperation and student mobilities are one of the few project that really work and that keep us going despite the paperwork. What is more, our school is one of very few vocational schools that still manages to fill up its classrooms despite the dropping numbers of students enrolling in vocational schools. This is the context that keeps inspiring us and makes us persistently participate in transnational mobility. Main goals are to : - enhance the number of students involved in mobility projects - improve the quality of cooperation between institutions and organizations providing education, companies, social partners and other European organizations - develop innovative solutions, subjects and services in the field of hairdressing - promote mobility as a part of lifelong learning process - enhance the students' confidence regarding their professional knowledge and skills - improve their command of English and enable them to practise and use vocabulary related to hairdressing - contribute to school's good reputation - establish a long term cooperation through yearly student exchanges - encourage the promotion of intercultural dialogue - commitment to constant upgrading of quality of student mobility. The expected outcomes are as follows: - improved quality of education - application and integration of new experience, knowledge into the process of vocational education - highly motivated students as well as teachers - increased number of students who enroll in our school - better possibilities of employment for students at home as well as abroad (Europass mobility) - better command of English and increased confidence in communication in English - established professional and personal contacts - yearly student exchanges including work placement - increased level of intercultural tolerance. Activities during the visit: - class attendance (some destinations) - work placement in hairdressing salons - project work (language and culture) - evaluation - visit to the capital city We would like to dramatically increase the number of student mobilities from 18 to 30 and spread into 3 new countries. The mobilties will be carried our some time between January and May 2015.
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