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Mobilność zawodowa - praktyka i międzykulturowa nauka
Start date: Jul 31, 2016, End date: Jul 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Zespół Szkół Licealnych i Technicznych in Wojnicz (Kleinpolen) wrote in cooperation with the german partner Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH (SHW) the Erasmus+ project „Berufsmobilität - Praxis und interkulturelles Lernen”. The project includes a 4 week internship for 4 groups of students, learning following professions: technique for gastronomical service, technique for hotel business, cook, landscape architect and logistician. The main students derive from the rural area and come from disordered family relations, which are threaten by live- and job-stagnancy.The project starts at the 31.07.2016 and takes 24 months. Except the main partner SHW the other partner establishments are:- Göbel`s Hotel Quellenhof - Göbel's Vital Hotel Bad Sachsa - Waldhotel Berghof - Landidyll Linderhof - Waldhotel Rennsteighöhe - Logistik Center Berka GmbH - Mühlhäuser Brauhaus zum Löwen. The dates of the internship areI group: 05.10-02.11.2016 (10students: cooks and gastronome), including one disabled cook. II group: 19.04-17.05.2017 (10 students: hotelier and landscape architect)III group: 01.10-27.10.2017 (6 students: logistician and landscape architect)IV group: 15.04-11.05.2018 (8 students: landscape architect, logistician, cooks/gastronome). Each group joins preparation courses: one language course, a training „Vorbereitung auf den Alltag in der fremden Umgebung“ and a mental preparation(realized by the German partner). The school ensures the insurance and the journey with a comfortable bus. The German speaking tutor change after 2 weeks. The students get workwear and pocket money (200€). During the journey to Germany the students will visit Dresden.European instruments, like the Europass mobility, the Europass language pass and the European credit transfer system for vocational education and training (ECVET), are used during the realisation of the project.The whole partner group is obligated to ensure a high quality of the project. (The Memorandum of understanding is already signed.)The aims of the project are:• increasing of the need of advanced training• raising of the professional skills with elements of ECVET • Development of key competence like: - Communication in German or Polish- Effective use of new technical devices - Math, technique and science skills - Entrepreneurial spirit- Social and citizen competencies• Boost of independence The development of named competencies and abilities should enhance the attractiveness of the participants on the job market and should lead to the favoured work. The aim of the project for teachers is to gain new pedagogical and professional experience. The school continues the strategy of Europeanization and international cooperation and obtains a good reputation on candidates of the gymnasium in the region. The project causes a development in the local and European companies, which are employing the graduates of the project.

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