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Mobilność nauczycieli - europejska jakość kształcenia
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project entitled "Mobility of Teachers - European Quality of Education" is an enterprise planned , in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, by the teachers of Centrum Edukacji Zawodowej (CEZ) in Stalowa Wola, and is intended to improve the quality of teaching.This enterprise is primarily aimed at improving and modernizing the school curriculum and the practical training, as well as the expansion of international cooperation within the Center of Adult Education. As part of the project four training courses are planned in Great Britain, Malta, Austria and Germany, in the period from July to December 2016.The key strategic objectives are: improving the qualifications and skills of teachers, updating school curricula and adapting them to the needs of students, expanding the use of new tools in teaching and international cooperation ( including information and communication technologies and online tools), encouraging students to continue education ( both formal and informal) and how to deal successfully with failures in education and ensuring students acquire the skills needed in the labour market and in the competitive economy.Five teachers from CEZ in Stalowa Wola will be involved in the project, including three foreign language teachers : German - Anna Dul, English - Renata Wojtala - Lamplugh, Anna Gadomska, one teacher of vocational subjects - Krzysztof Szczęch and one teacher of both a foreign language, and vocational subjects - Piotr Rochowski. Anna Dul was selected as the project coordinator. The main activities during implementation of the project are the improvement of language skills of the teachers and accumulation by them of new teaching materials, the exchange of professional experience with the teachers from other EU countries, getting to know new, innovative teaching methods, learning the basics of functioning of educational institutions abroad, gaining the knowledge about the German and English systems of education, expanding the knowledge in the field of history, culture and customs of other European countries, developing the attitude of openness and tolerance towards other cultures, promoting further education for teachers and students, as well as any other methods, that improve the quality of education and increase the usefulness of teachers' skills. During the implementation of the project, various methods of work will be applied, such as workshops, individual work, group work, different ways of presentation of obtained results, among others, demonstration lessons or conferences. Information about the project will be announced in newspaper articles and entries on the Internet websites. The assessment will be carried out using methods such as: questionnaires, interviews and observation. The accumulated experience and acquired competences of each teacher of CEZ involved in the project, will have an impact on the strategic school development plan, especially in the aspect of vocational training. This will help accomplish the goal of the school in preparing an active and effective graduate in the labor market. As future employees, the students should be involved in constant self-education, analyzing and evaluating their own abilities in order to make rational decisions in relation to their professional development and career. This will be possible due to the changes in the existing school curricula, which will be introduced by the teachers participating in the project , among others, the introduction of new innovative tools, such as information and communication technologies. The participation of CEZ in the Erasmus + project will also help the school establish international contacts , which are crucial to educational programmes. In the long-term, perspective training of the teachers abroad and their participation in EU projects will be considered as an asset to the school. Such actions will significantly increase the popularity of CEZ in the local and regional area, especially among parents and students when choosing a school. The mobility of the teaching staff will be seen by other teachers as a good example of improving their own professional competences in the framework of different EU programmes.Also, the long-term benefits of the project will be acquired , in particular in the extension of international cooperation in the field of vocational training and increasing the interest of other schools' mobility within the Erasmus + programme. This will also be an excellent promotion of EU programmes in the regional labour market.
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