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Mobilność młodzieży - fundamentem sukcesu zawodowego.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The participants of 'Youth mobility - the basis of professional success' are Zespol Szkol Zawodowych im. Stanislawa Staszica in Wysokie Mazowieckie and its partners: Braga mob (Portugal) and Job&Job srl. (Italy). The project is supposed to last from 1/6/15 to 1/6/17. The main goal of this project is to organise internships for students of second and third grade. These participants are students of our school who specializes in food production, gastronomy, tourism and information technology. Interns will be able to learn about work conditons, compare work demandings and obtain new qualifiqations in European enterpreneurs just by being sent to different countries where infustracture is well developed in aftermentioned areas. New obtained skills as well as language, social and work competences will be documented, evaluted individually and certificated (Europass). Thanks to such possibilities studetns will be able to increase their professional qualifications and they will be more attractive on the job market. This project focuses on preparing a gradute needed by employers. Such person will be competent, proffesional and well prepared. Moreover, the project aims to find better job prospects for students, develop their professional skills by working in foreign companies and develop the vocational offer of the school. The internship abroad contributes to development of key competences of our partcipants. Furthermore, students will become more confident and learn new languages. Additionaly, the interns will have the possibility to learn about the culture, history and geography of Italy and Portugal thanks to excursions organized by our partners (they will sightsee Porto, Viana do Castelo, Braga in Portugal and San Marino and Venice in Italy). Students will develop their European awarenesss and learn to accept and tolerant people from other nations. Thanks to this project the school offer will be more attractive as well as the quality of education.
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